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I felt little fingers dig into my side. I yawned and opened my eyes slightly. Landon gave me a small smile once he saw that I've finally woken. "Morning Landon." I grinned at him. He looked down shyly. I turned my head back to where Daniel was supposed to be laying but I didn't find him.

"Hungry?" I sat up. "Yes." He nodded eagerly. "Let's get you freshened up first, yeah?" I got out of Daniel's bed; last night we had to share one so Landon can have my bed all to himself, I didn't mind though, Daniel and I always sleep in the same bed no matter how small it is.

"Can you go on your own?" He shook his head no. I chuckled before I helped him use the washroom. Once he was done, he washed his hands and I washed his face for him. "Okay, buddy. Can you wait outside while I finish?" Landon nodded. I quickly used the washroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face.

"Alright, let's get you some breakfast." I picked him up and held him at my hip as I took him down the stairs. The first person that we saw was Daniel, he was in the kitchen like usual, cooking. "Morning." I mumbled before he gave me a quick peck. "Hey Landon." Daniel cooed and kissed his cheek. Landon giggled and burried his head into my neck out of shyness.

I set him down on one of the chairs that surrounded the island. "What do you want to eat?" I asked him. "Cereal." He said quietly. "Sure." I nodded and went to the cupboard to grab the box of Lucky Charms. "Want an omelet babe?" Daniel asked. "Yes please." I poured the milk over the cereal.

"Want me to feed you?" I set the bowl in front of him. "It's okay. I'm a big boy now." I laughed as I watched him struggle to hold the spoon properly with his tiny hand. "So Landon...." I looked back at Daniel, "what's your full name?" Daniel gave me a nod, signalling that I was doing the right thing.

"Landon." I chuckled a little. "Yeah, I know. You see my full name is Jack Avery," I pointed to myself, "and his full name is Daniel Seavey," I pointed to Daniel, "so what's yours?" He blinked. "Landon." I sighed. "There's supposed to be a second name. Don't you know it?" He shook his head no.

When this boy showed up at our house last night he was cold, hungry and tired. We barely got him to drink a warm cup of milk and eat some cookies before he fell asleep. We still don't know who he is or where he came from. He's not helping us either, all he knows is his first name.

Daniel placed the two omelettes on a plate and set it in front of us before we took a seat. "Do you know mommy's name?" Daniel tried with him. "Daddy says that mommy went to a better place." We both immediately exchanged a look. His mom is dead? "How... how about daddy? What's his name?"

"I don't know. I call him daddy." I looked down. This boy is completely lost and there's no way of us finding out his story. "How did you get here Landon?" Daniel asked. "I walked." Daniel shook his head no at the answer. "I mean who let you out of your house?" Landon stuffed his face with more cereal. "Me."

"How about where you live? Do you know that?" I asked. "Yeah." I immediately felt hope for him. "Where?" I said eagerly. "In my house." Daniel laughed amusingly. "Where's your house?" He wondered. "In the building." I huffed. "Where's your building?" Daniel said. "In the neighbourhood."

"Okay. How old are you?" I tried a new topic. "Five." I nodded. "Do you know the name of your school?" Landon shook his head. "I don't go to school. Daddy doesn't have enough money." Daniel and I exchanged yet another look, this time a sad one. "Don't worry buddy, we'll find your daddy for you."

• • •
We left Landon with Zach, Jonah and Corbyn so Daniel and I could shower. "What are we going to do about him?" Daniel continued to lather my body with soap. "I don't know, Jack." He sighed. "Should we call the police?" He immediately looked alarmed. "No." I nodded. "Let's just wait a few days and see if we hear anything about a missing child."

I let my chest press against his and I melted into his arms. "He's so cute and pure, Daniel. I wish one day our kids will be like him." Daniel wrapped his arms around me tightly. "Me too." The warm water continued to run down my body freely as we stood under the shower.

"Hey, Jack?" I hummed back in response. "Don't you think it's about time we come out to our fans?" I pulled away slightly so my gaze could meet his. "You're ready?" I questioned. "Yes." He nodded assuringly. "We should tell David first then we can announce it on instagram or something."

He placed his wet lips on mine. "Okay." I placed my head in the crook of his neck and took comfort there. For long minutes I felt Daniel's fingers trickle down my back, I felt the water on my skin and I felt sad for Landon. What's this boy's story? And why did he end up on our doorstep out of anywhere else that night?

"We can't keep him here any longer." Corbyn said. "Don't say that so loudly." I hissed since the door was opened to the backyard and Landon was playing there; he was in earshot range. "It's the truth. We can't take care of this kid." I was about to open my mouth to shoot something back when Daniel stopped me by squeezing my thigh.

"Let's give it some time and search around for anyone whose missing a kid." Jonah and Zach nodded to what Daniel said. "No, we need adults to tell us what to do. Tell the police, tell David." Corbyn said angrily. "In case you haven't noticed Corbyn, we are adults." I said sassily. "The police will just throw him into an orphanage and David will tell us to kick him out."

"Exactly. We're not doing either of those things." Jonah said. "Fine." Corbyn shrugged. "David is coming in an hour." Daniel announced once he looked up from his phone. "Why?" Zach asked. "We're coming out." Daniel and I said in unison and held hands. "Oh my god! Really?" Zach screamed like a fan girl. "Yes and before he comes we need Landon out of here so call Logan."

"So what did you guys want to tell me?" David rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt and leaned back into the couch. We all exchanged terrified looks; from Jonah, to Zach, Jack, Corbyn and to me. We all had no idea how David would react. "Jack and I..." I felt my knees shake. "We're... gay."

David gave us questioning look. "Okay?" He trailed off. "We want permission to come out to our fans." Jack said. "No." He shook his head and stood up. "Absolutely not!" He raised his hands in the air vigorously. "What? Why?" I cried out.  "Do you know how many teenage girls dream of having a relationship with the two of you? If you come out as gay they'd all lose interest and there goes my pay check!"

And just like that he stormed out, leaving Jack a crying mess and leaving me angry. The boys immediately came to comfort us. "It's not fucking fair!" I shouted. "As soon as we get out of one problem we get into another!" Jack sobbed even louder at my words. I tried to calm myself down and I walked over to him, pulling him in into my chest for comfort.

"David is such a dick." I sighed while Zach snuggled closer to my chest. We heard Corbyn's faint snores in the background. "I guess we'll never be able to come out either then." I placed a kiss on his forehead. "On top of David not allowing us, we're an illegal couple."

"That's so stupid." Zach murmured. "Why would they place rules on love?" I smiled down at him. "If everyone thought like you babe, the world would be a better place." He grinned at me and kissed my neck. "Hey Jonah?" He whispered. "Yeah?" I hummed back. "Don't you... aren't you jealous of Daniel and Jack?"

"No, why?" I wondered. "Because they get to treat Landon like their son. I want that. I want to take care of a child with you." A smile crept on to my face. "Hey we have a son too." Zach liked up at me, confused. "We do?" He pouted. "Yeah. Parlo." He laughed and intertwined our fingers. "I want a real human kid." I nodded. "One day, I promise you."

𝐒𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐍 ━ JANIEL & ZONAH ✓Where stories live. Discover now