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"Look at you guys! You're so fucking attached!" Corbyn shouted. "Stop, you're going to wake him up." Jack hissed. "You bought him a bed and new clothes! You watch him while he plays in the playground! You two are acting like he's your child but he's not!" Corbyn went on, giving me a headache. "We're just trying to take care of him until his parents come."

"News flash, Daniel, they're not coming! They don't know where he is because the two of you chose to keep this away from the police." I grew more frustrated by the second. "Fine then! Call the police, call them right now!" I shouted. "I will!" Corbyn grabbed his phone and walked outside, Jonah ran after him.

"Daniel, why?" Jack's eyes started to tear up. "They're going to take him away from us." His lower lip quivered since he was at the verge of crying. "I won't let that happen. Okay? I promise you." I grabbed the sides of his face and fixated his eyes on me. "Okay." His voice barely came out before I pulled him into a hug.

"You called to report a missing child?" Was the first thing the officer said once I opened the door. "Yes, he's been lost for about a week and we've been taking care of him." Jack came down the stairs, a sleepy Landon placed at his hip. "He's five years old and his name is Landon, that's all we know."

                               •     •     •
I jumped up at the sound of someone knocking the door. "It's the police again." Zach confirmed once he opened the door. It's been two hours since they were here, they promised us that they'd go do some research on Landon's story and come back. The same officer walked into our living room and took a seat.

Landon crawled onto Jack's lap and hugged him tightly; afraid of the stranger. "Mind getting him out of here?" We nodded at the officer. Jonah picked up Landon and took him upstairs. "So? What did you find out?" I asked nervously.

"His mother died of cancer three years ago. His dad was arrested for drug dealing the same night that Landon ended up on your door step." My heart broke at his story. This little boy was so pure and beautiful and yet he had the worst luck. "His dad can no longer have his custody so you guys must give him up for adoption."

Jack placed his hand on mine and gave it a squeeze. That was my sign, I knew exactly what he wanted. "We'll adopt him." I stood up, making everyone gasp, Jack stood up next, "Yes, we will." The officer looked back and forth between us. "How old are you?"

"My boyfriend and I," I intertwined our fingers, "are eighteen years old and we're perfectly stable to financially support a child." The officer stood up and nodded. "How about I take you two to have a talk with Landon's father?" We exchanged a look. "That'd be great, thank you."

Before I could take another step, Corbyn grabbed me by the arm. "Daniel, what the actual fuck are you doing?" He hissed. "Jack and I have been in love long enough to know that we'd never leave each other. We want to start a family and Landon came along at the perfect time. Him ending up on our doorstep that night instead of anywhere else isn't just a coincidence, it's fate."

Landon was now ours. His father was more than happy to give him up for two people that loved Landon more than he ever did. He did set up three rules though; when he's old enough tell him that he's adopted, never tell him that his father was a terrible human being and love him the same way that his mother did. Daniel and I accepted his rules.

I heard the sound of his giggles as soon as I stepped off the last step. I peeked my head into the living room to see him being tickled by Daniel. I smiled at the sight, it made me feel all warm and tingly inside. This is what I'd wanted for a long time and I finally have it.

Corbyn finally came around once he understood our plan for Landon. His only problem was the fact that we were too busy to take care of Landon. But once we told him that we could hire a baby sitter anytime or let him stay over at my mom's house during tour, he was on our side too.

My mother didn't believe us that night when Daniel and I called her and told her that we adopted a child. Once she saw the pictures, she was more than just approving of us, she was a supporter as well. I released a deep breath and walked into the living room.

Landon immediately caught a glimpse of me and got out of Daniel's grip to run to me. "Daddy!" He laughed and jumped into my arms. My whole world stopped. Never did I ever think that I'd hear that word slip out of his mouth.

I set him down and stood on my knees to match his height. "Yes, daddy." I nodded at him while the tears slipped past my eyes. Daniel came over to me and wrapped his arm around me. Landon jumped into the hug, giggling in our arms. "Can you call me that baby?" Daniel smiled down at him.

Landon nodded eagerly, "you're my daddy too." Daniel let out a sigh of happiness. "I love you." Landon smiled at the both of us. He placed a kiss on my cheek and one on Daniel's cheek. Daniel pulled us in for another hug and there we were, a family.

The next day, that picture of us that Zach took of Daniel, Landon and I was all over social media. We were trending and most of the feed back was positive. Zach took matters into his own hands and decided to ignore all of David's rules even if it meant that it'd cost us the band.

He posted that picture on the Why Don't We Music account and wrote a whole feely paragraph of how Janiel was real and that we've started a family. David immediately called and apologized for thinking that our fans would stand against us.

Everything was finally falling into place. Daniel and I had a family, we had stable jobs and best of all we get to share everyday with our three brothers. Zach and Jonah continued to go strong and Corbyn and Christina were still together as well. Everything was perfect.

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