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Having to leave Niagara Falls made me wake up on the wrong side of the bed. We were back home, same routine over and over and I hated it. I crossed my arms over my chest as I let out a little 'humph' while I lazily stared at the tv. The boys were all caught up in their own little things. I have no idea where Daniel is, maybe cooking.

"Zach!" I raised my voice. "Yeah?" I heard his voice echo through the house. "Come pick up your bowl if you're done with it. You know I hate it when the house is messy!" I shouted back. "Be there in a sec!" I rolled my eyes. I honestly felt like I'm the mother and Zach is my disobeying child.

I was in the middle of placing my feet up on the table when I accidentally nudged the bowl with my feet, leaving it to flip over and spill all over the ground. I groaned and stood up only to see that popcorn was sprawled all over our carpet. "Zach!" I screamed. I heard his heavy foot stomps until he entered, "what, Jack?"

"Look what you made me do!" I said sternly. "Relax, Taylor. It's just popcorn." He shrugged. "I told you to fucking pick it up! You can't leave your shit around here, this isn't a dump. I just vacuumed this morning!" He looked taken aback at my words. "Hey, what's going on?" Jonah came in next. "He flipped the popcorn bowl and he's blaming me for it!"

"Yeah just cry to your boyfriend about it you elf-sized dumbass." Jonah stepped closer to me. "Jack, don't." He motioned for me to stop. "No, I'm not going to stop! I can't handle his bullshit anymore. Grow up for God's sake! We can't keep looking after you!" I saw the tears brim in his eyes but I didn't stop. I know he's only trying to get Jonah on his side with that fake pout.

"Jack? What's with all the yelling?" Daniel came in, great. "Zach can't bother to clean up after himself." Daniel stood next to me and looked back and forth between us. "Clean it up, Zach." He instructed. "No, Jack is the one who knocked down the bowl on purpose to get Zach in trouble." Jonah said, raising his eyebrows at his theory.

"No, he didn't. Jonah, what the hell?" Daniel argued back. "You're only defending him because he's your boyfriend not because he's right!" Jonah yelled, his voice shook the whole house and my whole body. I can't believe Zach told him. Daniel froze, his mouth opened to say something but it closed back up. Silence. Nothing but silence.

"You-you told them?" A mixture of fear and sadness rushed through my blood. "No-yes... I mean-" Daniel's big blue eyes were wide, filled with shock. "I can't believe you!" He shook his head. "Daniel, I swear I didn't mean to it just slipped out!" I tried to reason. "The only reason I told Zach was because-" I stopped, not wanting to be the same dirty secret spiller as he was.

"Because what?" He asked angrily. "Never mind." I looked down. "Look, this is all my fault. Jack told me that you guys were dating because-" Zach was cut off short when we heard something drop. Our heads turned only to be met with Corbyn standing next to a bunch of grocery bags that now lay on the floor. "You guys are gay?"

"How many more people are you gonna tell? Son of a bitch!" I leaped at him, trying to get at his face. Jonah immediately shielded his boyfriend as Daniel held me back. "ENOUGH!" Daniel shouted, his voice breaking. "All three of you, stay away from us!" He pointed at each of Zach, Jonah and Corbyn. "And you," he turned to me, "You come with me."

Daniel yanked me by my hand aggressively and dragged me all the way up to our room. I didn't mind that he was hurting me, I deserved it. He pushed me into our room and locked the door. Daniel paced, his hands running through his hair repeatedly as he pulled at it with anger. Finally, he turned to me and spoke, "what makes you think that you have the right to tell our secret?"

His question stumped me. "I don't have the right and I know that. I told you, it just slipped." He shook his head as he laughed at me dryly. "Slipped? It just slipped? That one slip could have made me lose my brothers and this band!" I stepped closer to him. "Oh, so it's all about you now and what you could have lost?"

"No, Jack, you don't get to turn this on me. It's your fault so for once step up and handle the consequence!" A tear drizzled down my left cheek. I've given up at this point. I just ruined my relationship with my own hands. "This is our relationship not yours, Jack." He continued, "that means that we make the decisions together, you don't get to decide on your own!"

I couldn't look him in the eyes anymore so I continued to look down. "There's no trust here anymore, you ruined it." I could almost feel his words pierce through my heart. "I thought you were okay with not telling other people?" I took a deep breath, "Well I'm not anymore." I blurted out coldly. "Then maybe I'm not okay with this relationship anymore."

I trembled at his words. "So what? You're just gonna leave? I gave you myself, Daniel. How could you?" The stream of tears continued to flow. "No! You don't get to make me feel about about this!" He stepped closer, "It's your fault, understand? This is all because of you and I want you to live with that everyday!"

I shook and cried loudly as he broke down too, but I was the only one who descended to the ground slowly. "I love you." I chocked out. "Yeah well sometimes love isn't enough." I shut my eyes tightly at his hurtful words. I heard the door slam, signalling his departure. For hours that night, I stayed on that floor and cried.

It was all my fault. I destroyed them and it's all because my stupid little mouth couldn't stay shut. My heart ached as I heard Jack's loud cries from up stairs and as I heard Daniel slam the door shut to the bathroom, locking himself in. "It's okay, Zach, it's not your fault." I felt Jonah's hand on my shoulder.

"I told you not to tell anyone!" I glared at him. "You said don't tell Corbyn, I didn't know that I wasn't supposed to mention it in front of Daniel either." I groaned at his words. "What the fuck guys? Do you all think I'm some sort of homophobic dick?" Corbyn exclaimed in annoyance before walking off.

"I know it's my fault, I should've cleared that up." I sighed. "No, you shouldn't have told me anything in the first place. If you would've just picked up that damn bowl none of this would've happened!" Jonah left next, and there I was all alone. All I ever do is ruin things and I hate myself for it.

I decided on just leaving, none of them would notice anyway. I was irrelevant and all I caused was problems, I need to leave so they can finally be happy with out me. I grabbed Jonah's car keys before I hurried out the door. Jonah already taught me the basics of driving so I could easily make it to Logan's house from here.

My heart raced as I heard the engine start. There goes nothing. I hit the pedal and backed out of the driveway successfully. It was around eight, which meant that it was getting dark but the streets weren't busy. I didn't bother looking at the speed limit as I increased my force on the pedal. 90 100 120. I just went faster and faster, earning a couple of horns and middle fingers.

I didn't care though, fuck them all. All I wanted to do was get away. I just want to stop hurting the people around me. I want them to be happy. Loud sirens caught my attention, making me jolt in my seat. I wasn't wearing a seat belt, I wasn't a legal driver and I was speeding. Great job, Zach. I didn't bother stopping, all I did was go faster.

My vision started to blur from the pressure around me. The sirens pierced through my ears and so did the horns. But the loudest thing that I could hear were my own thoughts. You destroyed your best friends's relationship, you got your boyfriend mad and stole his car, you deserve to die, Zach. It was too late to hit the break when I had finally noticed the car in front of me. And just like that, everything went black.

𝐒𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐍 ━ JANIEL & ZONAH ✓Where stories live. Discover now