A Silent Ballet

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  • Dedicated to Adam Young

He opened his weary eyes for the billionth time. The clock read 4:15. Would the night ever end? He rolled over and sighed, silently cursing this dreaded insomnia. He missed having dreams... they were always so happy and simple. Now he had to make up his own. They never lasted long. It was too easy to get distracted while awake... He wondered if maybe they all had this problem. Maybe that was how it all originated. No, that couldn't be it. There was no way someone as happy and peaceful as her could be lying awake all hours of the night wanting it all to end. She would never be this depressed. She would always have her dreams to get her through the day... to get her through the night.

He closed his eyes. There she was, smiling this time. Such a beautiful smile. She was in a large crowd of people, all laughing. He wished he could laugh like that. He wished he was part of a group like that.... She would never love someone like him. He just didn't have that kind of ease around people.  

His thoughts began to wander and her picture faded. No! Come back, baby! She did. She wasn't happy anymore. Now she was alone, pacing her room. He could almost hear the music she was listening to. Shouldn't she be dancing? It would be fitting, if she weren't so alone. But of course, she's not alone. He squeezed his eyelids together and thought of dancing. She saw him then. The leaves in her hazel eyes flipped up into a smile. He held out his hand and she reached for it. They waltzed around the room, never touching, not really seeing, barely being. He spun her around and the winds of her mind blew the leaves around in a fiery circle of light. She was smiling happily now, dancing faster and faster as he spun her left and right. Soon he was laughing too. He brought her closer and closer all the while, but it was never close enough. Oh how he longed to touch her. If only he could feel the breath leaving her lips, just once...

His eyes popped open once again. The dream was over. Her smile fell into tears and she dropped down into loneliness once again. Oh, baby! Don't do that! I'm still here! I'm stuck here... Oh if I was only there... if only the world loved me so much.  

She looked up, her leafy eyes hopeful. We'll be together, and we'll dance in harmony for the rest of our lives.  

Oh darling, if only it were so. If only I could love you in my sanity, never losing sight of those smiling eyes... I would dance forever with you in my arms.

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