I sat in my room trying ta do my homework but Jasmine kept botherin' me wit allat 'let's cuddle' bullshit and she was irritatin' the hell outta nigga.
"Ugh! August." She whined. "Aren't I more important than this stupid math." She took my pencil out my hand.
"You aren't. I'm failing math right na' and you trynna play." I snatched my pencil back from her.
"I barely talked to you all day. I saw you following behind that new girl though like she owns you." I could tell she had rolled her eyes.
"No one own me, chill out wit allat. And she a coo' girl, what you got against ha'?" I looked at her searching for an answer.
"She's already trying to take you from me. I know her intentions. She's going to play that sweet girl role, take you from me and be a bitch about it in my face. Does she know we date?"
"I think she do." I shrugged, not really caring if she did or not.
"I think I'm just going to go home. You aren't listening to me."
You damn right I wasn't listening.
"Bye." I waved her off.
"Can I get eighty dollars?" She asked before walking out.
"I just gave you eighty yesta'day" I frowned and looked at her.
"I know but-"
"Leave Jasmine"
I heard my door shut and I went back ta doing my work. Or at least I tried ta. I took a break and went onto Instagram and strolled through.
I stopped at a picture that Celeste had posted with Izel and I liked it. I saw she had tagged her so I decided to follow her.
I went through her page and noticed she's always covered up, got no full body pictures or whateva'. It's not a bad thing, but based off her instagram, you'd think she lived in Antarctica.
"August! Momma want you!" My brother called.
I walked downstairs and saw her standing ova' the sink.
"Mama wassup?" I frowned.
"All these dishes is wassup fool." She glared at me.
I looked in the sink and saw a fork and a plate that Travis sneaky ass prolly put in hea'.
"I got it ma." I shook my head and cleaned them real quick.
"Why was that dirty lil' girl in your room?" She looked at me.
"What girl?" I acted dumb and she popped me.
"You know I'on like that trick." She mumbled but I still heard her. "She askin' fa' mo money huh?" She squinted her eyes at me.
"Mama don't start." I rolled my eyes.
She clicked an imaginary button and I'm
guessing it said 'start'."She's nothing but a beggin' hoe and you get nothing outta that. I don't want her thinking my son is her job." She frowned "Your a deposit check for her"
"Mama it ain't like that. You know she going through some tough stuff right na'"
"And you believe that? I've seen all that designer she wore before y'all even started dating... or have you been spoiling her before?"
"I'll end things wit'er and you ain't gotta worry bout me spoilin' her anymore." I said.
"You betta or i'm cutting that card." She walked out the kitchen. I shook my head and went back to my room.

FanfictionSixteen year old Izel (EYE-ZEL) has been going through the worst things ever since she was young. Her father passed away before she was born, and her mother went and remarried someone Izel hated very much. He goes into her room every night and eithe...