Who Rescues Whom? Ch. 1.1

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Copyright © 2016 by @AuthorJMColes

No portion of this book may be reproduced or transmitted without prior written authorization

Alex balanced on the roof edge of the squat four story building in downtown New Orleans, watching the scene in the alley. The winter cold, wet wind from the Mississippi River tugged on her leather jacket, as if a drunken man trying to expose the black leather corset underneath.

The night was moonless, but with her enhanced vision and the usual light pollution of a big city, she could see well enough into the alley to make out three figures among the garbage of beer bottles, cans, and papers swirling in the wind.

Two men, their backs to her, had cornered a third. Alex would bet her neuro-electric powers that the two were armed with guns or knives and that the third guy was unarmed. He was slightly bent over and breathing heavily, as if he had been chased.

Do I save that guy tonight, or do I die? Maybe both.

Alex jumped off the roof.

It's not the fall you have to worry about; it's the sudden stop at the bottom.

Alex didn't have to worry about the sudden stop. At the second floor, she leveled out with the ground and flew forward into the alley like a rocket thanks to her slipstream generator.

Flying rules. I don't even care that the nuclear fission slipstream generator in my chest is slowly poisoning me.

One of the two men looked back in shock as Alex hurtled toward him. He turned and she saw a rifle in his hands. He targeted her while his partner hefted his own rifle and fired it at the third figure trapped against the alley's end.

Rifles? What gang uses rifles to mug someone?

A loud crack sounded and something bounced off Alex's slipstream. She flinched out of reflex, even though bullets couldn't penetrate the slipstream surrounding her.

Only macho morons suppress the flinch reflex. It's useful.

Another harsh crack broke the air and the victim doubled over.

So much for saving him. Maybe I'll execute those men for murder.

Alex suppressed the tiny part of her brain that said she didn't know for sure if the victim was dead but she did refrain from lethal force. Instead, she summoned a handful of crackling white power and hurled it at one of the riflemen. Her power was so weak that he only staggered instead of dropping unconscious. Her neuro-electric powers fried other people's nervous systems, which was handy, not to mention fun, to use on criminals.

Alex had been busy luring pimps and johns into her traps this evening and her power was low. She needed sleep to fully recharge, so this thug was spared a fried brain. Other than that, Alex didn't know about her powers or where they came from; her brain damage made sure of that.

Landing in the alley, Alex tried the side kick that her Kung Fu instructor had been patiently coaching her to do. It wasn't as effective as shown in the movies, or when her instructor sparred, and her opponent remained standing. Alex cursed and ducked as her target turned on her.

Should have practiced more. These are no average gang members. They are well-muscled, well-groomed, and as sleek as their rifles. Professionals. Great.

Something crashed hard into Alex's cheek and sent her face down onto the grubby alley floor, thick with beer cans and unmentionable liquids. The stench and the splash made her jump right up again. Then she saw the victim not only standing, but blocking a blow from the second rifleman. He then punched the armed man into insensibility.She blinked in surprise.

Hadn't that guy been shot? He doubled over like he had been. He's tougher than I thought. Better be careful around him then. This might be thug vs. thug fight that I interrupted.

Alex threw a burst of white fireworks at the remaining rifleman. It didn't hurt and didn't take much energy, but had a great scare factor. He bent to his partner, grabbed his arm, and dragged him towards the opening of the alley to the line of parked cars on the street. He hauled his partner into a grubby white work van, jumped in, and roared off. Alex watched without interfering, giving the man credit for loyalty.

Something behind her moved with a groan and Alex turned around. The victim sank to his knees.

Crap. He needs help. Or looks like he does. Call 911 and walk away, Alex, walk away. That's enough hero for tonight.

The victim doubled over, holding his head, and groaned again.

No, no, no....oooohhh, here I go.

"Let me help you." Alex took his arm but dropped it a second later when she saw his face. This was not a human. This face had a leathery, blunt muzzle.

"I won't hurt you," the victim muttered.

"I don't doubt that. You look awful." Alex, moved by compassion, placed one hand on his chest for support and encircled his waist with her other arm. "What's your name?"

"My name is Gabe. Thank you for helping me."

Alex breathed in deeply. His face bore a similarity to the covers that graced her library of fantasy novels. Not only had she interrupted a dragon hunt, she had helped the dragon escape.

Perfect. Then again, dragons are evil in only half the fantasy novels ...


Dedicated to IceRequiem

For the amazing OST! Thanks! Talented writer and SONG writer!

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