Alex's Real Work Ch. 8.2

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Alex clocked out at 6:00 pm and exited the employee door. Immediately Gabe's lean figure detached from the wall opposite the doctor's office. Alex let her chin fall on her chest.

Oy. So obvious. Morgan will never follow me with such a shadow. I wonder if his brothers came and are better hidden.

She walked briskly around the corner to put some distance between them. Gabe followed closely. Alex took two lefts and a right. Gabe stuck right with her.

This Guardian of the universe is not noted for his stealth, is he?

Alex gritted her teeth and ducked into a dark alley.

Get the hint and go around, Gabe.

Alex slowed her pace and dared a look behind her.

Sweet Saints in the Super Bowl, he followed me right into the alley.

Alex sighed and swung her bait purse. She walked straight home, refilled the cat food bowl, and entered the apartment.

"Any luck?" Rile asked.

Alex growled and slammed down her purse on the kitchenette table. One metal leg bent a little further.

"Not a sign," Gabe said.

"He was obvious, wasn't he?" Rile asked.

"No comment," Alex said. "I'm taking a shower."

"Didn't you take one this morning?"

"What's your point?" she snapped.

"I didn't know that humans bathed so much," Rile said.

"Learn something new every day." Alex slammed and locked the bedroom door. She gathered her scrub brush and razor and prepared to draw blood.

Cale clacked his claws. "Humans do not bathe that much. I asked Dr. Dewey's wife Mary.  I suspect that Alex feels Morgan's touch lingers on her, contaminates her, and she endeavors to remove it with excessive bathing. I'll ponder how best to help her."

When Alex came out, she wore her black jeans and black leather jacket. "Money's in the bait purse. Buy whatever you want for dinner as thanks for shadowing me. I brought home menus from the Thai place because you can walk there. I'm going out."

"Where are you going?" Gabe asked.

"Y'all have a noble purpose in the universe, but I was a fool to let you give me hope that I could be free of Morgan," Alex said. "I'm going back to my real work, cleaning up my little corner of New Orleans. Don't wait up." She yanked open her front door and speed burst out.

"This is your fault," Rile told Gabe. "You scared off Morgan by being obvious and she's lost faith we can stop him. Now she's upset and taking it out on ordinary muggers."

"She's insane," Gabe said. "Morgan's out there and she went out alone?"

"Since you did such a good job of warning him off, heir to the throne."

"Shut up," Gabe said. "We should follow her."

"She sped out of here, genius. New Orleans is such a small town I'm sure we can find her," Rile sneered. "Let's eat. How much money is in that purse? Alex looked plenty mad enough to take care of herself."


Alex landed and stripped off her leather jacket. Underneath was a leather bodice. She opened her purse and applied the hated make-up. She refused to wear the spike heels of most prostitutes, though, because she couldn't walk or run in them. Her flat leather boots with the crisscrossing chains would have to do.

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