Love or Hate? Ch. 17.3

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Cale nodded to Gabe and bent to the sidewalk. He concentrated and he inhaled deeply. His tongue flicked out. "I have it." He led the way, occasionally stooping to double check himself.

Everyone's anxiety level jumped when he turned down an alley off Napoleon Avenue. Cale stopped at an abandoned building and checked the filthy doorstep.

"Oh Alex, my poor sister. She's in here," Cale said, clacking his claws.

Rile flushed dark reddish gold. "I'll disembowel whoever took her here and drag him by his entrails through the garbage before I kill him."

Gabe's color had also darkened. "She is not your sister but we must save her. These trash-filled dwellings usually house human criminals and drug addicts as well. We need to compass the area and yet not be ambushed." He thought a moment. "I'll lead up the stairs and Cale, you cover my back, checking the rooms to the east. Rile, climb the eastern fire escape. Look in the window on each floor and I'll signal you."

Rile dashed to the fire escape and nimbly leapt to the lowest platform, catching the bars easily. He swung himself up and over, landing on the steel grating with hardly a sound.

Cale drew his staff and motioned to the building.

"Cale?" Gabe asked, startled.

"I scented Morgan as well as Alex's blood, brother. He's no ordinary human. Hurry."

Gabe drew his sword and bounded up the steps. He opened the door with caution, however, and checked the interior before entering. Most of the interior doors were missing or leaning on a remaining hinge, allowing him to see and signal Rile through the windows. Cale hissed with uncharacteristic impatience.

"Cale, quiet," Gabe whispered.

"No, ordinary humans tend to fear snakes and their hissing and I'm warning off."

Gabe shot his usually calm middle brother a worried look, but continued his search. The eastern rooms cleared, they started up the stairs, equally cautious.

Gabe and Cale found Alex in a third story room, slumped against the wall. A pile of clothing was heaped next to her. Gabe signaled Rile and they moved into the room.

"The little cupcake is indisposed," a voice of pure venom spoke. "I found the cookie jar unguarded and helped myself." Morgan sat up from the pile of clothing where he had been lying and pressed his gun to Alex's temple. "What are those things?"

Alex looked unconcerned about the gun at her head. Her clothing was a tattered man's T-shirt. Dark shadows dipped under her eyes, her hair hung lank and limp around her face and her slumped posture spoke of exhaustion. Then her gaze met Cale's, fear for the brothers' safety flashed in her eyes, and she summoned energy to speak with conviction. "Aliens, blah, blah, blah, holier than thou Guardians, blah, blah, blah, mostly useless. Let them go. Enough talking. Sheesh."

"Why do you want me to let them go? Do you love them?" Morgan's voice dripped poison.

"Love them? I hate them," Alex answered with such sincerity that the brothers looked at her with dismay. "The reddish one in the middle is an arrogant, self important jerk, the smallest one is a deluded priest that believes in a good God, and the tall gold one is their leader. They all hurt me in their own way. Let them go."

I can't let Morgan hurt them. He's too strong for the brothers with his preliminary implants and they won't believe it. What else can I say to convince Morgan?

"Hurt you? They touched you, Alex?" Morgan's hand groped over her.

"No one touches me," Alex snapped.

The Vigilante & The Dragon - Book 1 of the Guardians Saga [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now