No Morning After? Ch. 15.1

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"Time for another survival trip," Gabe announced. "Alex, you're coming."

Alex drove them to Bayou Segnette State Park. She parked far away from the family playground, wave pool, and nature trail. The towering oaks spread large leafy arms, forming a wall of green where the forest began.

When the weight of the backpack settled on her shoulders, Alex felt the first pang of unease.

I had hinted heavily about attending their next hunting trip, so no use complaining now. Maybe I shouldn't have insisted on two new tents, mine is heavy.

"Coming?" Gabe asked Alex.

"Hurry up." Rile started walking.

Alex took a last, longing look at the air conditioned car before hitting the trail. The air was hot and muggy, the usual for southern Louisiana.

Gabe set a steady but undemanding pace. Alex felt another pang when he headed off the trail. She felt like an elephant lumbering around, branches crunching under her feet, rocks making her ankles twist. The brothers' footfalls were silent and they never stepped on a branch or turned their ankles. After two hours, Gabe let them stop. Alex quickly uncorked her canteen and drank, but no one else did. A cloud of gnats swarmed around her head and she heard the whine of several mosquitoes. She dug in her pack and sprayed herself with repellent.

"Anyone else need it?" She held out the can.

"Bugs aren't interested in us," Cale said.

Too soon for her feet, Gabe stood and motioned them to go. Alex slipped on her pack straps and hauled herself to her feet.

I wanted to come. I'm really stupid at times.

Alex was hot and sweaty by the time they stopped again. She took a long drink.

"You don't make efficient use of water." Rile looked her over from the top of her rumpled hair to her sweat soaked collar to her dirt caked boots.

"It's a mammal thing." She pushed back sweat dampened hair.

"We'll camp here." Gabe indicated a clear stream rushing over rocks.

I wonder if he overheard.

The brothers had already set up their tent while Alex was still cursing hers. Cale smiled and had hers up in several minutes. He didn't gloat and Alex felt that strange warmth in her chest. She pushed it down until it evaporated.

"There's a knack to these things," he said gently. "I can't build, but I can set up a tent."

Rile pulled out his bow and quiver and looked at Alex. She pulled out a fishing pole. He hissed and turned away.

"We'll meet back here at sunset," Gabe said before disappearing into the forest with his brothers, bows slung over their shoulders.


Hours later, they returned with a deer. Alex was grateful it was field dressed. Rile looked at her catch.

"I would have thrown those back," he said.

"I would have, too, but I wasn't sure dinner was coming." Alex glanced at the tiny fish. Gabe had forbidden packing extra food. He didn't know about her stash of trail mix. "I hope you're hacking up that deer, because I haven't a clue. I gathered firewood." She hadn't tried starting a fire.

Let the pros do that.


An hour later, Alex decided that camping was too much work, but now she saw why Gabe insisted on these trips. If they lived like this at home, these trips would help them stay in shape, keep their skills.

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