Who Deserves Grace? 17.1

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Cale entered the ED bay alone. Alex rolled over to watch who entered.

"Well?" she asked.

"Broken nose, past broken cheek bones and jaw, and old broken pelvis," Cale said. "Something called cigarette burns, too."

Alex yawned. "Glad I don't remember them. And?"

"The doctor will set the nose and stitch the knife wound. You should file something called a police report."

"I'm too tired and I want to go home. The police can't stop Morgan, you know that." Alex rolled over again and closed her eyes. "Wake me up when they come to set my nose and stitch me up."

  Cale walked to her side. "File the report. It may help someone else."

"Who? I don't know Morgan's last name and I'll be here hours more. I want to go home and sleep. I'm so tired." Alex curled up.

Cale laid his hand on Alex's. "Creator of All, send Your comfort and healing to Alex. Let her accept your love and grace."

"You're near perfect but you can be ignorant," Alex said. "I don't deserve that."

"None of us do. That's the point of grace."

  "You do, Cale."

"Do I? You don't know me." Cale tilted his head and gazed steadily at her.

"I know enough."

"What would you do if you found the ones who slaughtered my clan?"

Alex's eyes flew open. "I'd execute them. Duh. They're mass murderers who would kill again. Execution necessary to save the innocent."

"I wouldn't. At least, not at first. I'd torture them for four days, the amount of time it took the cleansing fires to consume all the bodies of my clan. I want them to scream for death to make the pain stop."

Alex stared at him, wide-eyed. "Fire truck, Cale. That's dark."

"Still think I deserve grace?" He looked down at her.

"Uhmmmm...still more than me?"

"No one deserves it, Alex, but it's still given."

"That's why you forget the past, Cale. It twists you." Alex turned her hand over and squeezed Cale's.

"I don't want to forget my family. I loved my father, mother, sister, cousins, aunts, uncles." Cale stared off in the distance.

"It turns you into a torturer. Forget them. They're dead. The past is dead. Remember who you are: a wonderful Guardian who saves others and the universe." Alex tugged on his hand in concern.

"You think I'm wonderful?"His gaze returned to her.

"You're near perfect. You've even inspired me to be a better person and that's no easy task." She smiled faintly up at him.

Before Cale could answer, a nurse entered the bay and set up the suture tray. "How are you feeling? Those pain meds take effect?"

"Yes," Alex said. "Suture first, then the nose?"

"That's what the doctor said."

  "Sutures aren't too bad," Alex said. "Never had my nose set. Broken bones creep me out, though. High on the ick factor."

"I'll hold your hand again," Cale offered and held it out.

"For the lidocaine and the bone setting. Don't need it for the suturing."

  The doctor walked in. "Sutures ready?" he asked the nurse.

  "I'm ready," Alex said.

  "Sorry again," the rumpled doctor looked truly repentant. "The lidocaine is first. There will be a stick and burn."

The Vigilante & The Dragon - Book 1 of the Guardians Saga [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now