Captured Ch. 15.2

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The two guards in camouflage, rifles slung over their shoulders, paced the narrow inner aisle inside the 18 wheeler. One was the prototypical muscle man with a crew cut, while the other was short and wiry, nervous gaze darting around.

"I don't like leaving them in the same room," the short guard complained. "We know they act as a team."

"What choice do we have?!" the larger guard exploded in frustration. "Two armored rooms. Three creatures and a weirdly powered girl. That freak never camped with them before, according to our intel."

"Why did we even take that girl? Hermann said three dragons."

"Hermann was monologuing again and said he would find a buyer for the girl. Mission doubly successful."

"Reinforcements for escort were supposed to be here an hour ago and the tranks will wear off soon."

"Shut up and do your job."


Alex's vision was a wall of gray. Just when she thought she might be blind, something moved across her field of vision.

There. It moved again.

Alex tried harder to focus. It was a pair of legs. She tackled them and blasted the owner with a light blast.

"Where did you take me?" she snarled. "Let me out of here now. I don't remember anything so I can't tell you anything."

Gabe groaned. "Alex, please. We were both captured."

"What?" Alex didn't release him but spared a glance for her surroundings. "Where are we?"

"We went camping," Gabe said with patience. "With my brothers. I went hunting with them. I came back for your help because they were captured. Then we were captured. Does that sound familiar?" He avoided the word 'remember'.

Alex pondered this before slowly standing up. "Aren't we the losers?" She backed up to the grey wall. "Do you know where we are? What have you heard and seen?"

"Men with rifles and automatic weapons. I can't hear what they're saying. There's a small armored window in our door. When I look through it, I see another armored door with a small armored window and a narrow hallway to the back of this armored vehicle. They don't let me look too long. Are you all right?"

Alex nodded. "This can't be good," she said as she looked around.

"No, it can't."

Alex sighed.

Gabe doesn't always understand sarcasm.

"I wonder who these guys are. Could they be with Hermann? With luck, you'll end up in his lab. Dr. Dewey might find you there."

Ah, the irony that it's lucky to land in the lab of that psycho.

She sat down on the floor. "I wonder where I'll end up."

"I won't let them take you."

She smiled. "Nice thought, but it's not up to you." She looked over the walls. "In the movies, there's always a window and a cot with all sorts of useful pieces so you can escape."

"Maybe they watched the same movies." Gabe sat down next to her.

She leaned her head on his shoulder. "Some rescuers we are."

He put his arm around her and she put hers around him. They heard a commotion, shouts, and gunfire. Rile burst into the room, Cale behind him. Gabe and Alex sat up, disentangling from each other.

"I don't believe it," Rile fumed. "Did you even try to escape?"

"We came to rescue you," Gabe said.

"Bang up job," Rile sneered.

"Let's get out of here," Gabe said.

They jumped out of the truck and Alex shot off with them.



Short chapter! Too short?

Okay, I'll label it a teaser chapter and publish another chapter tomorrow!

I toyed with various ideas of how Cale and Rile escape and hated all of them, so I cheated and skipped it.  I figure we've all seen those movies of how people escape from jail and I couldn't improve on them!

Dedicated to my newest WWBC victim, ahem, critique partner


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