Tracking Alex Ch. 7.3

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At 6:00 pm, Alex had a shadow while she walked home. A six foot tall, somewhat leathery one that she couldn't see. She swung her purse in an appealing manner, but no muggers took the bait.

Fire truck that. I need the practice beating them up and it relieves stress. I got plenty of stress. Fire truck Morgan and the nightmares he gives me.

Alex walked slower and swung the purse more. No muggers.

Maybe the purse is too small. Should I have money sticking out of it? Maybe I look too fierce. I should wear make-up and look more helpless. Ick.

Alex walked home, her thoughts unhappy. Rile met her in the driveway.

"No sign of him?" she asked.

"Nor scent," he said with a scowl.

She sighed. "Let's find out what your brothers want to eat."

"No, you pick something new for us," Rile said. "Have a backbone. Stand up for yourself."

"Like when I pounded you into the wall?" Alex smiled and started for the carriage house.

"Yeah, like that. Only with my brothers."

"They treat me nicer."

Rile opened the door for her and shouted into the apartment, "Alex is buying us something different for dinner."

"You don't have to yell." Gabe walked over and glowered at his brother. "What is it?"

"Thai. It's like Chinese, but not as greasy. They deliver as well. I need a phone book or the internet to find the menu and phone number," Alex said.

"Why don't you and I walk to Dr. Dewey's." Cale rubbed his older brother's shoulder in a soothing way. "He showed me how to use his computer for the shower instructions. I'd like to try this computer device again."

"Not you," Rile said in an aggrieved tone. "You, who can't build anything. You're terrible at video games, too. I'm the one who should do it. I'll learn computers better than you ever could."

Alex tentatively tapped Rile's forearm, eager to stop the argument but worried about touching the oh-so-attractive humanoid dragon. "If Dr. Dewey let Cale do it, then he should. Or you both could go and let Dr. Dewey decide. It doesn't bother me if I go or not. Please ask him for the closest Thai restaurant."


When the last of the Pad Thai was consumed, Alex said, "Who's shadowing me tomorrow?"

"I am," Gabe said. "Dr. Dewey is teaching a night class. Cale, Rile, you escort him there and back."

"Now that it's squared away, I'm taking a shower." Alex pushed back from the table. "Then off to bed. Thanks for the company for dinner and goodnight."

She faced her shower, rough sponge clutched in one hand and bloody razor in the other. She breathed deeply before turning on the water and jumping in. She thought of Rile stalking the darkness to quiet Morgan's sneering voice in her head.

Once the water turned cold and her arms were tired from scrubbing, Alex shut off the shower and put on sturdy Walmart sweatpants and t-shirt. She walked out of her bedroom to see Gabe fiddling with the bookshelves.

"This is the awkward part where I ask if you'll spend the night on my couch again," she said, heart pounding and blood roaring in her ears.

He turned around and nodded somberly. "Of course. We haven't found Morgan yet. You should sleep on the recliner. Or on the couch with me since it distresses you so much to sleep alone. I hope you have learned that you can trust me."

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