Party Time! Part 10.1

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At her apartment in the carriage house, Cale headed to a battered television. Alex had made good on her promise to buy one. Gabe sat on the couch, but Rile followed on Alex's heels into the kitchen.  He peered over her shoulder as she opened the refrigerator.

"Give me an inch, jerk," she said when he jostled her elbow as she removed a tray of appetizers.

"Give a female an inch and she'll take a mile," Rile quipped as he relieved her of the tray.

"You've been watching too many movies, or is that your nature?" she replied as he devoured the contents of the tray. "I don't suppose you could take that into the living room?"

"Why? I'm the one that earned it."

"I thought as much." Alex reached into the refrigerator and took out a second tray.  "Cale, will you carry this into the living room?" she called out.

Cale appeared. "Not all of us are gluttons." He shot Rile a baleful look.

"Loser. I won it," he replied around his mouthful.

As soon as Cale left the kitchen, Alex placed a firm hand on Rile's shoulder. "Stop eating a second and put this on."

He looked up at her and she shoved a roll of gauze into his hands.

"I just scratched you," Rile said.

"I know, but the stupid thing is bleeding. I don't mind, but neither of us wants to deal with Gabe if he sees this, right?"

Rile groaned in agreement. "He is a major pain when it comes to you."

"Oh?" She took off her jacket and rolled up her sleeve.

"You should know something about Gabe." Rile dabbed the cut with the end of the gauze.

"What?" The word was full of caution.

"He's to succeed Father as Clan Head. He couldn't wait. He wanted it all, too: beautiful mate, lots of children, and clan leadership." Rile glanced up from his work. The stricken look on Alex's face satisfied him.

"Good for Gabe. He has a future, unlike me. Ow!" She jerked her arm away when Rile pulled on the wound edges.

"Relax. I wanted to make sure it wasn't deep. It isn't. I was taking it easy on you."

"Thanks, you re-opened it." Sarcasm edged her voice.

"I was afraid it was deeper.  Sometimes I lose control."

Alex was surprised that he sounded remorseful. "Rile, it's all right. You have more control than you know.  You could have made gumbo out of me at any time, but you didn't. Which I kind of hate you for. So cheer up, or you're uninvited." She smiled at him.

"I could have, couldn't I? It was your lucky night." Rile resumed his old arrogance. He rolled the gauze around her arm, tied it off expertly, and picked up the tray. "I'm ready to make this party fun."

"I've created a monster." Alex rolled the sleeve over the gauze, shrugged on her jacket, and followed him out. A knock on the front door stopped all of them.

"I hope it isn't the neighbors complaining about the noise," Gabe said.

"Not likely. This is New Orleans."  She put the chain on the door and peeked out.  "Hi, Dr. Dewey. Glad you could make it. Where's your wife?" She threw off the chain and let him in.

"Doc!" the boys exclaimed in happy surprise.

"I couldn't have a party without your best buddy, could I?" Alex asked.

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