Picnics with Dragons Ch. 10.3

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Author's warning: This is a character development chapter, but with some kick-butt action as well. It does NOT advance the plot. In standard American publishing, I would have "murdered my darling" as American editors say for deleting character building chapters without plot advancement. But this is the world of Wattpad, so for all those who like character development [and kick butt action scene that doesn't advance the plot]: HERE IT IS!


"Load up. Cale has the food and Gabe has the drinks." Alex opened the doors to her tiny car. The brothers piled in, Alex bringing up the rear.

"When will we get to Jean Lafitte Park?" Rile said, a distinct whine in his voice.

"Don't start on me," Alex said, but she smiled. "This is a picnic. Eating out. In a park. Relaxing."

"Eating outside is not relaxing to me," Rile said. "That's my regular routine. Now eating in a restaurant, having my food served to me, and then all the cleaning done, that is relaxing."

"Alex and I made all the food," Cale started.

"Rile and I will perform the cleaning," Gabe finished.

Rile slumped in his seat in the back, arms crossed on his chest, for Gabe had pounced on 'shotgun' yet again. Alex started the car and before too long, the city sights fell behind them as she drove along the expressway.

Cale took the most interest in the view during the 45 minute drive to the Barataria Preserve portion of Jean Lafitte Park. The buildings grew scarcer and scarcer while the trees grew larger and larger. Soon the giant limbs were overhanging the road, the silver grey Spanish moss draped as if by a decorator. At the park entrance, Alex paid, accepted the map, and drove to the picnic grounds. She parked in a wooded corner, far from the rest of the parking lot, which was empty.

"Are you sure we have the place to ourselves?" Gabe asked as he scanned the horizon.

"Don't want to run into any killer Boy Scouts." Rile ran to the metal gym set, nimbly leapt to the top, and looked around.

"I asked the park ranger to reserve the farthest private picnic grounds," Alex assured him as she set up the table.

"All clear, Chief Sitting Bull," Rile called out.

"Lunch is on, brave Running Mouth," Alex called back to Rile.

"Serve me, squaw," he ordered as he leapt over to the table.

"Rile! That's very politically incorrect. What are you watching on TV? Do I need to cancel the cable?" Alex scolded.

"How about a truce until lunch is over?" Cale asked.

"White man speak with forked tongue," Rile replied.

"That's it. I'm cancelling the cable," Alex said.

"I'll stop." Rile sat down.


After lunch, Alex stood and stretched. "I need a walk." She punched Gabe on the arm.

"What about us?" Rile asked.

"A post-lunch nap sounds good." Cale lay down on the blanket.

Alex smiled and watched as he wallowed around to become comfortable, scrunching up the blanket this way and that. At last he stopped with a sigh and relaxed.

"Lie in the sun like an old female." Rile strode into the woods.

"Let's sit by the water," Alex told Gabe.

"I thought you wanted to walk."

"Don't be so literal." She took him by the arm and led him over to the shore. She sat down under a copse of trees and dragged him down as well. "Tell me about your world without Rile's sarcastic comments."

The Vigilante & The Dragon - Book 1 of the Guardians Saga [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now