Sparring with Dragons Ch. 11.1

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The butt of the wooden dagger smashed Alex's jaw upwards, but a sharp blow to her middle snapped it right back down. Alex staggered back a step before Rile swept her feet. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the blade hurtling towards her, but all she could do was raise her arms to block and brace for the hit. Or blast him, which she had agreed not to do. When it didn't hit her, she looked up cautiously. Gabe held the wooden blade while he and Rile locked furious gazes.

"Who appointed you referee?" Alex stood up and gently pushed on Gabe. "Lighten up, buddy. You're acting like I need protection. It's a friendly sparring match."

She felt like a traitor to Gabe, but it was better than the two of them at each other's throats. Cale assured her that they had fought long before her, but she refused to cause any more conflict.

"Back off," Rile told his oldest brother.

"Rile, you're my sparring partner for the afternoon. You promised. Gabe can wait for a turn. Do you want to try for two out of three falls, or do you want to practice the staff?" Alex picked one up.

"Two out of two," Rile replied.

"Alex, don't," Gabe said.

She patted the side of Gabe's muzzle. "It's sweet you're worried about me, but I have to practice. Isn't that what you tell me?"

"Yes, but," Gabe said.

"You shouldn't watch. You make me nervous." She gave him a gentle push toward the door.


"Bye, see you tonight at 6 at my place. Now, where were we?" Alex turned back to Rile.


Several gut punches and a fall later, Rile stood over her. "How do you feel?"

"Other than being unable to stand up straight?" she asked.

"Yeah, other than that."

"Pretty good. Working on those compassion skills, Rile?"

"I try."


Back in her apartment, soaking her aching body in a hot bath so she could avoid her obsessive shower rituals, Alex wondered for the millionth time about Rile.

Why is he compelled to beat me up? Is it because he's bored with fighting with his brothers? Or is he training me the only way he knows?

She finally decided that he hated her, resented her intrusion on his life and family, and was dogging her so that she would leave. It was the simplest explanation, and therefore, by Occam's razor, the right one. She sighed at these thoughts and splashed her face with water.

Yet if that were so, why does he hang around my place?

He came when his brothers weren't here, so they can't have dragged him every time. At least he hadn't come outright and told her to get lost.

Not that I care. I can't care for him, for anybody. That endangers them and me. Gabe just wants some temporary warmth. Besides, The Society for Creative Anachronism members are fun, even if they do have the distinct disadvantage of being human males, but they can't train me like I need.

She heard a key in the lock and the back door open. She had given Gabe and Cale keys to her apartment. It made her feel safer. Cale and Rile continued their morning wrestling matches for Cale's key.

"Gabe? Is that you? You're early." Alex jumped out of the bath and grabbed her towel. "I know you meant well interceding for me earlier, but it isn't necessary."

There was an unintelligible reply.

"The way I see it, Rile hates me enough as it is without you taking my side," Alex continued.

There was another sound from outside.

"I know, I know, you keep telling me he doesn't hate me, but what else could it be? Why else does he keep after me like this? Anyway, let me take a few lumps and I'll get good enough to give him some. It's not like I'll break. I need the training."

She finished drying off and wrapped her robe around her. She stepped out of the bathroom and viewed the empty apartment.

Rile had taken off at a run, partly to avoid discovery, and partly because his head was whirling in a confusion of thoughts and emotions.


Dedicated to IceRequiem

Why IS Rile sparring with Alex? Is she right?

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