Sleeping Arrangements Ch. 15.3

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"Alex, you'll never guess what I found!" Cale pounded into her apartment, scanning the kitchenette and living room. "A bootleg copy of Dynaman! Isn't that awe—" he opened the bedroom door and his voice trailed off.

Alex and Gabe sat bolt upright in bed at his abrupt entrance. Both were fully dressed, except that Gabe's sword and staff lay by the bed. They stared at each other for an awkward moment.

"They had to find out sooner or later," Gabe consoled Alex and rubbed her arm.

"Find out?" Cale repeated weakly.

"I guess," Alex said.

"It could have been worse. It could have been Rile," Gabe said. "It'll be easier to tell Cale."

"I don't know. He looks dazed." Alex gazed up and down the shocked Cale.

"Tell me? Tell me what?" Cale almost whimpered.

"Cale, we couldn't send a written announcement," Alex said. "How to word it? Your brother and I are now sleeping together? Just sleeping! Fully clothed too!" Her voice rose with panic at the last two statements.

Sort of. Not mentioning the euphoric neuro-electric power thing. None of his business.

At Alex's wild look, Cale held up his hands in a soothing manner. "I believe you Alex. I know you and I know my brother. Just sleeping. It's a little weird, no, it's very, very, very weird, but it's okay. With me. I mean you have a lot in common . . . .you're both . . . uh, you're both . . . well, you both breathe air . . . uh . . . I'll leave now," Cale said as he backed away.

"Thanks, you'll tell Rile, okay?" Alex asked.

Cale shook his head as he ran out.

"I don't know, Gabe. Rile will be upset. I hate it when you two fight," Alex said.

"Don't worry. Rile will find something to fight over, if not this, then something else. He lives to annoy me."

"That's not true."

"You don't know him well enough yet. Just you wait," Gabe said.

"All right, but for now, I need to practice my powers more. Care to help?" She held out a glowing hand.

Gabe agreed and took her hand with enthusiasm.


As he ran, Cale wished that he had never seen what he had just seen. At least Gabe and Alex were both dressed. Was that reassuring or disturbing? Reassuring: he most certainly did not want an image stuck in his brain of his brother and an alien mammal nude together. Were they even anatomically compatible? He did not want to know and did not want to think about it. That was very, very disturbing. Just sleeping. That was what Alex said. Yes, he believed that. Between Alex's psychosis and his brother's honor, he believed that. He hoped Rile wouldn't find out. Those two would have no peace from his youngest brother.

Cale ran to their apartment, into the bedroom, and tunneled under the flannel sheets.

Cale awakened with the uneasy feeling of being watched. He opened his eyes fully to see Rile staring at him.

"Where's Gabe?" Rile asked.

"I dunno," Cale mumbled.

In a flash, Rile was on top of him, pinning him. Cale tensed.

"Give it up, Cale. You haven't been able to throw me since my thirteenth dry season. Where's Gabe?"

"I'm not sure."

Rile dug claws into his middle brother's wrists. "You're a terrible liar, Cale. Tell me."

Cale sighed and went limp. "He's probably at Alex's."

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