Chapter Thirteen

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"Did last night really happen?"



The First Dream After


A ship hurtling toward the moon. Not very many passengers. I stayed on the outside looking in, like watching a movie that started in the middle of the action. 

The ship moved through space like cresting waves, or maybe like a car driving through the Texas Hill Country. 

Everything was ready. 

Until the ship hit the moon's surface. 

One survivor came from the wreckage. 

It was comical because she had a glass dome over her head, but no space suit. 

But what was unhinging were her legs; no skin, no muscle, no drip of blood. 

Only bone. 

Not a crash injury. Not a pair of Halloween leggings. 

On the bottom, she was only bone. 


And somehow, still living given the pressure of space. 

"Guys," she called into a radio she seemed to produce as though she merely thought it into existence. 

"What's happening?"

"The moon is habitable."


What about the moon? Why would I be dreaming about the damn moon after the night I'd just had?

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