Chapter Thirty (PG-13)

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I won't say I didn't play a part in my own story. There are decisions I made that got me where I was. 

He sucked on my earlobe. 

Sexy, I thought as I moaned and breathed heavily from the front seat of my Honda. 

No one had ever kissed me like this before. He was so experienced. His 29 years of age not spent pent up in the wrong relationship, compared to my 25 years and lack of sexual partners. I'd only been with one guy before. 

Hence, my hesitance. 

He grabbed at me, in between my legs at my thighs, rubbing the harsh denim against me. 

"Do you like it when I kiss you?"

Of course, I think, you're just pushy and over-experienced. I ignored myself. 

"Yes," I said, "you're really good at it. Do you like kissing me?"

He scoffed.

"How is that even a question?"

"Well you asked me," I commented before he lunged at me. 

He kissed me hard, sucking on my neck, my earlobe, rubbing at the fabric between my legs, grabbing my thigh. 

I loved every second of it. It was completely different from anything I'd ever experienced. 

I was just about to melt away completely when he quickly stopped, opened the door, and got out of my car. 

I quickly deflated. Date over. 

But he did something I wasn't expecting. Rather than walking into his apartment, he got into his van. 


Yes, his van. 

Should I have seen a reg flag?

No. No one can see a thing. Hindsight is what's clear. 

"You son of a bitch," I whispered as I weighed my options. 

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