Chapter Twenty-Five

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Pretty Enough

She's pretty enough, you say, and she has no clue. 

Take a swig of your drink as she looks on confused. 

Sing her Chicken Fried on a Friday night and watch her light up. 

Get your kicks and your punches before she realizes...

You told her all lies just to get deep inside. 

Mess with her mind, vulnerability shines. 

She has one little flicker, one chance to get it right. 

Take her pretty little life and take a dance in the night. 

These things should only crawl out where the devil's gone to hide. 

You say you might snatch her up if she doesn't stop being so awesome. 

'Du Hast' in the night she feels like you're lost, and then some. 

Call her to talk - you're the same person... but there's to sides to every coin. 

She has that one little flicker... one chance to get it right. 

Take her pretty little life and have your dance in the night. 

Some things should stay where only shadows dwell. 

But she's the innocent girl who still wishes you well. 

She lost and confused, answers can only come from you. 

You hide in the dark as her spark crackles true. 

She danced in the night like a flame unattended. 

But one day you came and her fireworks ended. 

There are no shadows that can dwell when you let darkness swell. 

Breathe her in deep; she'll be the smell of your hell. 

She thought she had it right and so now do you. 

But all she has now is her truth is not your truth. 

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