Chapter Twenty-Six

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Three Weeks After - Meditation

Breathe in. Exhale. 

Breathe in. Exhale. 

Focus on your right pinky. 

Focus on your right ring finger. 

Focus on your right, middle finger. 

Focus on your forefinger. 

Focus on your thumb. 

Focus on your whole hand. 

Now your left hand. 

Focus on your right thigh. 

Your right calve. 

Now your foot. 

Now your left leg. 

Focus on your arms. 

Your forearms. 

Upper arms. 


Shoulder blades. 

Upper back. 

Lower back. 

Focus on your right buttock (pronounced "butt-awk".)

I give  a snort, but nothing more. 

Focus on your left buttock. (again, pronounced "butt-awk".)

I hear my mom giggling next to me in the Honda - CRV. 

I lose it laughing, like what the fuck? My focus is totally gone, but I regain it and continue. 

Now imagine yourself lying on a dark beach. 

Breathe in. Exhale. 

Now imagine that the moon-beams are ---

I jerk, and make a strained sound, fighting with my coordination to turn the damned thing OFF. 

"Too soon, huh?" my mom says. 

"The moon and I aren't friends right now."


'It's seen too much,' the silence says for me. 

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