Chapter Twenty-Four

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"So I've been studying your facial features," he said as he took another swig of his favorite beer. 

Shiner Bock. 

"Okay, and?" I said, worried he'd say he didn't like me. 

"You're pretty enough," he said with a nonchalant shrug. 

"Pretty enough for what?" I ask, anger lacing my tone. 

Pretty enough for what? For him?

"You're just pretty enough. Don't get all mad."

"I'm not mad. I'm just trying to find out what I'm pretty enough for."

"Don't worry about it."


Was this some sign I missed? Was this in motion from the day we started talking? Did I just miss all the clues? Were these just the innocent ramblings of a drunken man? 

I know one thing. Innocuous words can be a threat when hindsight is 20/20.

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