Chapter Thirty - Three

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It is with a lot of thought and anger, and probably some other emotion driving me to this; but for this chapter, I will name you for who you are. This is dedicated to Alexander W. in Killeen, TX. Good luck coming after me for libel if you ever see this. I haven't given nearly as much information as you have given me. I call this piece - Alexander, and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. 

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

I pretended to care for answers I thought I needed. 

You pretended to care to keep up pretenses. 

User, flesh your preferred drug of choice. 

Sin, your one and only means of true intoxication. 

You tipped the contents out of your wallet;

The pretense of nothing to hide. 

Skeletons in your closet buried deep by your multitude of fatigues and self adorned medals. 

I tipped the contents of my bravery like a crescent moon pours out its blood. 

Your skeletons were exhumed too late, and for blood they'd had a taste. 

Don't fight back, you instructed, but not in so many words...

Threats can play dress up and dance in the night - in your closet - those contents you never intended to hide. 

The sound of "shh" meant to coddle and calm were salt in the wound created by you, and not a medicated balm. 

Stolen kisses and skin; supposedly confused by inaction. 

Words don't fall on your ears that you would self proclaim as deaf, 

But ears that were capable of obliterating a personality. 

Time of of death for her: January 9th - 10th, somewhere in between. 

You laid in her legs; a "smart man" unkeen. 

Putting it in the past because all it causes is pain. 

You made our bed that day, my look on life forced to change. 

One thing won't get past your Orthodox God. 

Greed, Gluttony, Pride, your sins more than seven. 

Alexander, you believe you'll see Heaven. 

But as you writhed above me, my safety slain; thinking back, 

Alexander, upon your reckoning I promise you this: 

Not of my doing, but yours - 

You will have a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. 

Signed with disdain, 

Amanda - the girl I attempted to erase by renaming her in this story. 

But you can't erase me. 

YOU don't get that power. 

My angels will battle your demons until they're all the way to hell. 

I can't think of a better way to win. 

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