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You took Ethan up to your room. As soon as the two of you entered the room, your friends jaw dropped.

"Is that CrankGamePlays?" Your friend asked.
"Not now (F/N)!" You exclaimed.

You sat Ethan down and handed him a large tissue box. He held a handful of tissues up to his nose. After a few minutes, you checked the tissues, only to have it already drenched in blood.

"Holy crap, it's still bleeding bad!" You panicked slightly. "He might have burst a blood vessel or something."
"Will we have to take him to the hospital?" Your friend asked.
"I don't think so, unless he continues bleeding to the point where he's about to collapse." You responded.
"Where's Robert?" Your friend asked.
"The reason why his nose is bleeding!" You responded.
"Oh, so I guess you're avoiding him like the plague." Your friend remarked.
"Because he wouldn't let me explain anything to him!" You exclaimed.

You began to pace up and down the room.

"Does he think you're cheating on him?" (F/N) asked.
"Yeah!" You said. "Me and Ethan agreed to hang out with each other, and because Robert was sick, he decided to stay here. Then after the convention and getting something to eat, he basically confronted us and wailed Ethan!"
"Wait, how did you and Ethan become friends?" (F/N) asked.
"He gave me his number, wanting to be in a relationship but after explaining some things to him we agreed to stay friends and hang out." You explained. "Now let's stop with the questioning please!"
"Sorry..." your friend responded.

You went over and checked on Ethan again. He was bleeding less than before, but still bleeding a lot.

"I'm so sorry this happened!" You told Ethan. "I didn't expect that at all."
"Yeah." Ethan let out a chuckle, "neither did I."
"How do you feel?" You asked.
"Lucky I didn't get my nose broken." Ethan responded.
You rolled your eyes, letting out a small laugh. "At least your cute sense of humor is still intact."

You suddenly blushed at the thought of calling him cute, especially after everything that happened between you and Robert.

"So what are we going to do about Robert?" Your friend asked.
"I'm not doing anything right now." You explained. "If anything, he should make the first move and apologize for hurting Ethan and not letting me explain anything."
"Or maybe I should confront him and explain the misunderstanding." Ethan suggested.
"Why would you want to do that?" You asked.
"Well, if it wasn't for me doing what I did last night, this entire thing wouldn't have happened so I feel the need to go and talk to him first." Ethan responded.

Suddenly, just as the three of you were going to try to figure something out, your phone began ringing and vibrating on your nightstand. You went over and looked at the caller ID.

It was Robert... how convenient.

A lot of thoughts flooded your head at this moment. Why was he suddenly calling you when you told him you didn't want to talk to him? Should you answer the phone or wait?

You sighed as you decided to answer it.

"What do you want?" You asked sternly.
"To talk." Robert immediately responded, sounding surprisingly calm. "Mind if I meet you up in your hotel room?"
You sighed, "Sure... but if you pose a threat to Ethan again I'm kicking you out."
"I promise I'm not going to hurt him again." Robert assured you.
"Alright, fine." You said. "I'll see you up here."

You hung up and the three of you ditched plan A and decided to just sit there and wait until Robert knocked on your door.

After a few minutes, you heard a knock on your door. You stood up to go an answer it, keeping a stern look on your face as you were about to see Robert again.

But as you opened the door, your expression immediately changed as you saw his face, as if he was red from crying.

You wanted to ask him what was wrong so badly, but you silently let him into the room, closing the door behind you.

Robert sat awkwardly at the foot of your bed, being silent for a moment before finally looking over to Ethan.

"I'm really sorry about punching you, man." Robert said. "I was way out of line back there, and I never meant to harm you in any way."
"Then why did you?" (F/N) snapped. "You nearly broke his nose!"
"The medicine I've been taking for my illness has side effects of moderate to severe mood swings." Robert explained. "And they clearly weren't joking."
"Where's the evidence to support that claim?" You asked, as if you were a detective.

Robert then took out the small medicine box from the back of his pocket and gave it to you. You read the side effects. Nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, moderate to severe mood swings, possible cramping.

You then gave it back to him assuringly. He was telling the truth, for now.

Robert then looked up at you.

"(Y/N), I believe what you told me down there." Robert explained. "About you two only being friends."
"I wish you would've given me the chance to explain the whole situation." You responded.
"I know and I'm sorry." Robert said. "But if you can give me a second chance, I'll take your word for it and we can forget that this entire thing ever happened."

You looked over at (F/N), who only shrugged. You then looked over at Ethan, who gave you a nod.

It was now up to you to decide what you wanted to do. Would you give him a second chance? Would you take it one step at a time? Or would you actually say goodbye to him?
Comment what you think will happen below! (The answer may surprise you!)

More to come soon!

IDK These Feelings (A RobertIDK x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now