Love Means Never Having to Say Your Sorry

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Okay, there are no hunger games in this story.

Katniss POV

My name is Katniss Everdeen. I live with my parents and my older brothers Rye and Leven. We own the Everdeen Family Bakery. My father and I have a good relationship aswell with my brothers but my mother? She is the most cruel, ruthless person you'll ever meet. Days start and end with beatings. Everyday, 365 days a year. I just turned 16 and I finished school but this is District 12. The poorest part of Panem. Not many job options. I'll work than take over the bakery with my brothers. This is how my life took a big turn by the help of one boy.

I lay awake in my bed, afraid of what awaits me behind the door of my room. I have fresh bruses and cuts all over my arms from last night, and the day before. The fear in me rises as I try to sit up. I look at my clock. 7:31. Uh oh. If I'm not downstairs at 7:30 I'll get another beating.

"Girl! Get down here right now!" my mother yells from below. I jump out of bed and run downstairs to the kitchen where my mother stands with a rolling pin.

"I'm so sorry mother. I tripped and fell getting out of bed. I'll work extra late tonight to make up for being late I promise." I say. She gives me an evil smile.

"Good, now get to work and you'll be down here untill 1am, you hear me!" she says. I nod and she leaves the room. I pull my apron on over my white button up shirt than roll the sleeves up to just under my elbows. I know, not the girly things you think I should wear but I grew up in clothes like this and I think they're more comfortable. I also have blue jeans and my aunt's old hunting boots. I start by cleaning the ovens than the front counter. Than I knead the dough and make all kinds of sweets. My best work are the cheese buns. They sell like crazy. Only 1$ for one but what can I say? I'm not greedy but on the other hand my mother only gives me 50 cents every week. I start to wash the floors of the kitchen as my mother walks in and scares me, making me knock the bucket of water over her good shoes.

"You worthless girl, how dare you!" she yells. I back up on all fours.

"I'm so sorry mother, I never meant for it to happen." I say. She reaches for the rolling pin on the counter. "No please, please mother." I say but its too late. With power she stikes the side of my face causing me to black out.

"Katniss? Katnis wake up." somebody says shaking me. I open my eyes slowly and see Rye. He smiles at me and picks me up than sets me back down on the couch. Rye is 18 and takes good care of me. He has short ashy blond hair and blue eyes, like me. I sit up and feel my cheek. It hurts like hell and I bet it don't look good. "Again huh? What for this time?" he asks patting a ice pack on the bruse.

"I was cleaning the floors and knocked the water over her good shoes." I say. He gives me a sad look and kisses my hurting cheek lightly.

"You're okay though, right? Nothing serious?" he asks. I nod and lay back. I want this all to end. I want her gone, forever. Tears slowly run down my cheeks. Rye wipes them away and goes to make something to eat and Leven walks in. He rushes over to me and kisses my brused cheek aswell. They always do that when mother hurts me. They say they're kisses will make the boo boo go away. 

"You okay?" he asks and I nod. Rye walks in with some cheese buns and lamb stew, my favorite. We eat than watch abit of TV. My father is in the next District at some bakery convetion.  I start to fall asleep so Rye caeeies me upstairs and puts me to bed. My name is Katniss Everdeen and welcome to my life.


Alright, I had alot of fun writing this chapter so I hope you guys enjoyed it.

Nikki :)

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