Chapter 8 Not an Arrow in the Knee, An Arrow in the Face

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Peeta POV

Katniss hasn't come back for almost an hour. I swing myself out of bed and pull my clothes on. I walk downstairs and see two plates full with food. I look around and see some drops of blood on the wall. I can't see blood, makes me sick. I gulp and walk around the couner and see Katniss on the floor with arrow in the FACE! I grab the phone and call my mother. Shes a docter so she says she'll be there in 5. I kneel down next to Katniss and hear for her heartbeat. She's alive. My mother bursts through the doors and rushes over to Katniss and I. 

"My god! Peeta! What did you do?!" she yells. Well, thats normal, blame Peeta.

"It wasn't me! I just got down here." I say. She does basic checks. I call Rye and Leven and minute later they run in. "Peeta, help my get her into the kitchen. I need her on a higher surface." she says. Rye and I lift her up and carry her to the kitchen. "Okay, everybody out. I need to concentrate." she says. Rye and Leven both have to pull me out and into the living room. We sit there for about an hour before my mother walks back out.

"Alright, I got the arrow out. It entered through her cheek and exited right under her ear. Through the cheekbone and skin. I cleaned and stitched it up. She'll be okay, I'll give her painkillers and check on her tomorrow." she says. I jump up and throw my arms around her neck.

"Thank you so much mom." I say. We walk into the kitchen and all sit down. My mother left so we're alone. I'm shaking but holding her hand as the tears flow. Slowly she opens her eyes and smiles. "Hey sweetie, you okay?" I ask. Rye and Leven are right at my side.

"Yeah, I'm good. Delly shot me." she says shakily. I feel the anger rise in my chest but I stay calm.

"She didn't just shoot you. She shot you in the face!" Rye says. Leven and I shoot him a look and he shuts up.

"Yep, not and arrow in the knee. An arrow in the face!" she say smiling. I can't believe she can have humor in this kind of situation. We help her sit up and bring her to the living room. Her father rushes in and hugs her tightly.

"Katniss, are you okay?" he asks. She nods and he sits down next to her. "What happened?

"It was my old friend. She's jealous of Katniss but I never thought she would do something like this. This is my fault." I say. Katniss scoots over to me and kisses my cheek.

"Its not your fault. I don't blame you." she says. I feel abit better and lean into her grip. She nuzzles her nose into my neck making me giggle. I know, boys don't giggle. I'm just happy she's alive. I'll take care of Delly tomorrow.


I know, short but school starts again after two weeks off. Next chapter might be up today.

Nikki :)

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