Chapter 12 The Note

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Peeta POV

We've been looking for Katniss all morning. I'm starting to get really worried but so is Leven and Rye. We've looked everywhere, from my house to the town centre. I asked mom Prim and one of Katniss's friends she'd told me about Gale. He started to help us as well. After splitting up and looing for another hour we decide to meet back at the bakery.

"I have no idea where she could be." Rye says. I take a deep breath and look up. "You guys find anything?"

"No, there is no place she could be at this point that we haven't checked." Gale says. 

"What about the forest?" Leven asks but I shake my head.

"She's to scared to go there without me." I say. They nod and we sit down. "I'll be right back." I stand back up and walk to the kitchen. I let the tears flow as I lean back against the counter. Than a small piece of folded paper catches my eye. I pick it up and open it.

Dear Peeta,

I can't handle living here anymore. I wish things could've been different and I'm sorry. If you find this than I'm already gone and I'm not coming back so don't try and look for me. 

I just wanted to tell you, I love you so much and I promise that someday I will come back but not for a long while.

Love Katniss

What? I reread it a few times before I understand what it says. I fall back with a bang. But this just doesn't seem right, she wouldn't just leave. Rye, Leven and Gale walk in.

"Whats wrong?" Rye asks. I hand him the note and all read. Than they freak out but I get an idea. I grab the note grab they're hands and run upstairs to Katniss's room. I grab her journal and flip to the first page and lay the note next to it. 

"What are you doing?" Leven asks. I read everything side by side and notice something. Not her handwriting. I jump up.

"This isn't her handwriting! Look!" I say showing them each pages. They all read and after a few minutes they get it too. "She must have been taken."

"Okay, from who?" 'Gale asks. I look down and have to face the hard truth.

"Delly." I say. Now we have to find Katniss before its to late.


Okay, so it shouldn't have been hard for Peeta to find out Delly took Katniss but I wanted to drag it out abit and there's a big surprise.

Nikki :)

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