Chapter 10 A Normal Day

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Katniss POV

Peeta won't let me leave the house. Its getting annoying. I know he's just being protective but still. I lift my head and see he's still sleeping. I sneak out of bed and tip toe downstairs to the backdoor. Rye standing there, cleaning the counter.

"Hey little sis. Where you going?" he asks. I slip my boots on and grab my jacket.

"I'm going on a walk. Don't tell Peeta, he'll just worry." I say. He nods but stops me on the way out.

"Stay safe, and take this to his mother. She got the arrow out your head, you owe her a thanks." he says handing me a bag of sweets. I nod and he kisses my cheek before I leave. Its nice out, the sun shining, the birds are chirping. Everythings perfect. I walk down the street and to the Seam. I find the Mellark house and knock on the old, cracked up wooden door. Prim opens up and smiles.

"Katniss!" she says jumping into my arms. I hug her back and she takes my hand, leading me in. Mrs. Mellark is sitting at the kitchen table. She looks up and smiles.

"Katniss, how are you?" she asks. I shrug and she stands up, checking the wound. "Uh, oh. A little infection. I'll give you something for that." she says. I sit down and wait. She returns with a tube of cream. She rubs some carefully aganst the stiched up wound making me wince.

"Do you have to take the stiches out when its healed?" I ask. She nods and I hand her the bag of sweets. "Thanks for saving me. I'm glad it was you. Peeta has a really good mother." I say. She smiles and hugs me.

"Where is he?" she asks. 

"At my house, sleeping. He hasn't let me leave the house for the past week." I say. She smiles and leans back.

"He does that. He's very protective of those he cares about." she says. I nod and we talk for about an hour before I head back home. I open the back door and step in only to be tackled by a worried Peeta.

"Where were you? I was worried sick and Rye wouldn't tell me were you went." she says. I pull myself from his tight grip and kiss his cheek.

"I was at your house, to say thanks to your mom." I say. He sighs in relief and we walk to the living room. "Have the police found Delly yet?" I ask sitting down,

"Nope, they said they would call us." Peeta says. I nod and we watch Walking Dead. Got this show is soooo good!  "I got an idea where she would be though." 

"Where?" I ask.

"In the woods, at our special spot." he says standing up. "Its an old tree hanging over the cliff." I nod and stand up.

"I'll get Rye and Leven. Lets set a trap." I say. He nods and we make a plan to catch Delly. That bitch is gonna pay for what she did. To Peeta and me.


Alright, short. I'm sorry but they'll get longer. I promise.

Nikki :)

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