Chapter 5 Never Say Your Sorry

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Peeta POV

I open my eyes and feel the warmth of Katniss next to me. I stoke her cheek and kiss her forehead. Her eyes flutter open and she smiles. This is the 6th or 8th night I've stayed with Katniss and tomorrow is our 4 month annerversery. I sit up and stetch. 

"Katniss, can I take a a shower?" I asks. She nods and I walk to the bathroom. They have they're own shower here so might as well. As I'm getting undressed Katniss walks in.

"Katniss? Really?" I ask standing there only in boxers. She looks at me for a few seconds.

"What, I'm your girlfriend and your sexy so be happy." she says making me smile. She grabs some of her clothes of the washing machine and leaves. I take my shower and find her in the livingroom. I sit down next to her and kiss her cheek. Rye is also sitting there and makes a face at me kissing her.

"Rye, you're such a baby." she says. He kicks her shin but she kicks back with force. "And you kick like a girl." just than the back door opens making both jump up. 

"Girl! Come here, now!" a woman yells. Katniss rushes to the kitchen. Rye and I follow and we see Mrs. Everdeen. "I see you have a visitor. And a Seam boy, great!" she yells.

"He's's my boyfriend." she says. Her mother's face goes so red I thought she was gonna explode.

"My daughter will not be with a worthless waste of a human being from the Seam!" she yells. Okay, thats offending.

"Don't call him that! I love him! At least I have somebody that loves me back with all his heart. Unlike you!" she yells back Than her mother raises a rolling pin but I push Katniss aside and take the blow. It hurt like hell! I didn't fall but it did push me back a few step. Rye rushes over and pushes his mom away as Katniss hurries to me.

"Peeta? Peeta are you okay?" she asks with tears streaming down her cheeks. I smile and nod while trying to stand up. A man rushes in and takes hold of Mrs.Everdeen. "Dad?" Katniss says. He was in the next District helping out Katniss's uncle and wasn't supposed to be home untill tomorrow. He takes her and walks outside.

"Katniss I'm okay." I say. She smiles but than punches me in the chest. "Oww...what was that for?" I ask.

"You're an idiot, thats why. What did you do that for?!" she yells with more tears coming down. I pull her in for a hug as she cries into my shirt.

"I'm sorry Peeta. I'm so sorry." she says. I kiss the top of her head.

"Never say your sorry." I whisper. She pulls away and looks at the bruse on my cheek, carefully stroking it. I smile and give her a light kiss just as Mr. Everdeen walks back.

"I told her to get lost untill she's calmed down." he says. Katniss runs into his arms. I look in the mirrior and see a large black, green and blue bruse. "Peeta, are you okay?" he asks. I nod and sit on the counter. Rye brings me and ice pack and I carefully pat the bruse. Katniss walk over to me and does it for me. After a while we head back to the livingroom and sit down.

"Peeta, never do that again. Please." Katniss whispers as she rests her head on my shoulder.

"Katniss stop. I did it to protect you. I love you and will do anything for you." I whisper back. She look me in the eyes and kisses me lightly.

"I love you too." she says. I close my eyes and fall asleep but it seems like 30 seconds later somebody starts to shake me. I open my eyes and see Katniss.

"Kat! I just closed my eyes! I whine.

"Peeta, you fell asleep about two hours ago. Its almost midnight. You wanna stay here for the night?" she asks and I nod. We walk upstairs and I colaspe on the bed. "Peeta, come on now." Katniss says. She pulls my jeans and shirt off. Along with my socks. Its summer and she knows I sleep in only my boxers because its too hot. I throws on my shirt and takes her pants and socks off and snuggles into bed. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her neck. "Good Night Peeta."

"Good night Katniss. Sleep good, I love you." I whisper as I begin to driff off but I do catch her say "Love you too."


Is this okay? I hope so, I really like this chapter.

Nikki :)

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