Chapter 2

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The bell rang, signalling everyone to go to their next class. I left the room and looked down at my schedule. My next class was algebra in room 204. Luckily, the rooms in the 200s were all on the second floor, so it didn't take long to find my algebra class.

I walked in and noticed that Tyler wasn't there. I smiled to myself and walked over to the empty chair next to the guy dressed like Finn.

"Hi," I said in a sweet voice, "I like your outfit."

"Thanks. You are a girl of great taste," he chuckled, adjusting his hat in a confident manner.

"I'm Marcel," the guy said and held out his hand.

"I'm (y/n)," I said and shook his hand.

The teacher then entered the room, and everyone fell silent. I could already tell he was the kind of teacher who didn't understand what fun was. I was worried about future classes with him.

"Good morning. I am Mr. Cooper and this is Algebra class, obviously. I am not a laid back teacher, and you will work in my class," he said sternly, looking around the room at every student. Marcel let out a quiet snort at the last sentence.

"I do work," he muttered, barely loud enough for me to hear, "I just hate algebra."

I giggled, making sure to keep my voice down.

The class droned by slowly, mostly because of the teacher. Mr. Cooper would make some jokes here and there, but he seemed uptight and intimidating.

The next thing I had was lunch. I could feel my empty stomach growl angrily as I neared the cafeteria. I looked around for Sydney, remembering that she had lunch at the same time.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Sydney smiling at me.

"Hey," she said as she led me to a table, "How are classes so far?"

"Literature seems promising, but my algebra teacher seems intimidating," I muttered, remembering his monotone voice.

"Did you get Mr. Cooper?" Sydney asked. I found it kinda funny she knew which teacher I was talking about.

"Yeah," I replied.

"He usually gets all guys in his class. Trust me, it's just a scare tactic," she gave a reassuring smile, "I had him, and I felt the same way until the new school year introduction was out of the way."

"That makes me feel better about his class," I sighed, feeling some of my stress dissipate.

"What about Mrs. Klein?" she asked with a big smile.

"She's very nice. I'm looking forward to her class," I responded.

I took out my lunch box and began to eat while Sydney ate and told me about my other teachers. She held my schedule while also eating, and I thought she was about to drop her food at some points.

"Do you need help?" I laughed and took my schedule from her.

"Is there anything else I can tell you about?" she asked.

I looked around the cafeteria and I found what I was looking for. I pointed to the table in the middle of the room. The popular guys were sitting there, accompanied by a dozen girls that seemed to be trying to get their attention.

"Tell me about them," I spoke, trying not to grimace when I looked at them.

"I can tell by how quickly you pointed them out that you know they practically run this school," she sighed and rolled her eyes. She looked over at them, not hiding her distaste.

"Don't associate with them. Trust me, I did it once and it didn't end well," she said and looked down, seeming to be reminiscing about something unpleasant.

"What are their names?" I asked.

"The tall one is David, The one with the Mohawk is Brock, the one with the pink cat shirt is Tyler, the one dressed like Finn is Marcel, the one with the T on his shirt is Brian, the one with the M on this shirt is Craig, and the one with the man bun is Lui," she said as she pointed to each of them.

"What about the guy with all the girls swarming him?" I asked curiously.

"He's Evan. Don't fall for his sweet talk because his sole purpose is to throw every girl's heart in the garbage with no remorse," she sneered.

"Have you dated him before?" I asked.

"Unfortunately," she huffed. I didn't reply for a few seconds so she could cool herself down. She was very worked up and I didn't want to make it worse somehow.

"What about the one hiding his face?" I looked over to the guy in the blue hoodie. He looked so out of place with the other guys he was sitting with.

"That's Jonathan. I don't know why he's with those guys nor why he hides his face like that," she looked over at him with a puzzled expression, seeming to be thinking about him.

"He's interesting to me," I said without thinking. It's not what I wanted to say but I blurted it out.

"Yeah, he's so obviously out of place but no one questions it," she shrugged. I found it strange that she used to date Evan and hang out with him but even she doesn't know why Jonathan is with them.

I was about to say something, but the bell rang.

"Crap. I'll see you last period!" she spoke as she walked away.

I stood up and threw my trash away. I curiously watched Jonathan follow the popular guys out of the cafeteria.

"So mysterious," I mumbled to myself.


Apologies for any spelling errors. I'm typing this on a shaky school bus soooooo

Anyways, I hope you all like the story so far!

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