Chapter 22

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Reader's POV

I walked into the gym with Sydney. Actually, it was more like I was dragged by Sydney. Loud music vibrated the shiny gym floor and there was hardly any lights minus the colorful spotlights crazily moving around the room. It was hard to see with the lack of proper lighting and the crowd of people, but she led me to the snack table.

I nervously held the skirt of my dress as we both stood by the snack table. Sydney was staring at the snacks, licking her lips as she stared at the food.

"Hey, I know you're feeling out of it since what happened earlier this week, but trust me when I say you won't regret coming," She said to me as she grabbed a plate and began to fill it with cookies.

"Are you talking about our plan? I figured you forgot since I didn't bring it up again," I confessed, looking down at the food.

"If I didn't go through with this plan, the rest of our high school career would be hell. I want everything to be normal," she commented, her face becoming very serious.

We both fell silent as we stood there examining all the food and listening to all the loud music and chatter around us.

"Sydney! (Y/n)!" someone from behind us called. We both turned around to see Marcel and Brock coming towards us, dressed up in fancy suits.

"Tyler is on his way, and he's with Lui and Evan," Brock said. Sydney nodded, setting her plate of cookies down.

"Hurry, we need to set this up quickly. He doesn't live far from here," Sydney spoke quickly, running away with me in tow.

"Hey! Can you at least tell me what all is happening?" I questioned as she led me out of the gym.

"Marcel, Brock, Craig, Brian and David have everything under control. I just need you to look pretty," she replied as she led me to the bathroom near the gym.

"Okay?" I responded with uncertainty.

She sat her purse down and began to pull out tons and tons of makeup. I stared at her, confused as to what she was doing.

"Um, I'm not quite sure what's happening," I mumbled before she grabbed some eye shadow and began to apply it to my eyes.

"Just don't worry about it. I'll tell you everything you need to do when the time comes," she chuckled as she began to gingerly apply my mascara.

Then she applied concealer, Foundation, blush, and she finished up my face with some highlighter on my cheeks. She turned my head so I could see myself in the mirror.

"I look nice, but can you tell me what's happening? I don't remember this being a part of our plan," I spoke, looking back and forth from my reflection to Sydney.

"The guys and I made some changes to it, but it'll have the same result," she promised, a sinister smile on her face.

Before I could interject, Sydney got a text. She stood up once she read it, dragging me out of the bathroom and back into the gym.

"Okay, okay, listen: you need to stand here in the middle of the gym. Now, when Tyler and his friends come in, I need you to lead them to the football field. We will be waiting there to start the plan. Got it?" she spoke quickly, seeming very jittery.

"You want me to lead them to the football field all alone? Do you even remember what they did to me earlier this week?" I asked, startled at the thought of the four of us alone.

"I know, I know. Marcel will be watching you guys from a distance. If anything goes awry, he will call us so we can interject and stop it," she reassured me, though it didn't fully calm me down, "Okay, I have to go. They're here. Please don't worry, we have everything under control."

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