Chapter 6

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"How was the first day?" Dad asked as we drove out of the parking lot.

"Somehow I managed to make a friend," I said, then remembering Jonathan asleep on my shoulder. I decided to not mention that.

"That's good. I was worried you'd be lonely," he said and glanced over at me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, a hand over my chest in a slightly offended manner.

"I'm just glad you made a friend. What's her name?" he asked as he made a right turn.

"Sydney," I replied. He silently nodded his head in response. He didn't day anything for a few seconds, seeming to be thinking of something else to say.

"Homecoming is next month. You planning on going?" he questioned. When he mentioned homecoming, an image of Jonathan in a fancy tux came to my mind. I'm not sure why, but the thought made me grin like an idiot.

"I might. Especially if Sydney is also going," I commented after a few seconds of silence.

"Where do you want to eat?" he asked as we pulled into town.

"I'm kinda in the mood for pizza," I smiled.

"You're always in the mood for pizza," dad sighed with a smile on his face.

"Yeah, yeah," you muttered playfully.

"Will Domino's be okay?" he asked as we neared Domino's.

"Sure, why not," I shrugged.

Dad parked the car and we got out. I excitedly walked to the entrance and walked in, meanwhile dad took his precious time.

I looked around the place, looking at the customers who were eating. I glanced to a table in the corner by the window, and I had to take a second to register who was sitting there. It was Jonathan. He was eating pizza with a few of the popular guys he hangs out with at school. I wondered how he had made it here so quickly since they were at school as we left. They probably sped and passed us while I wasn't paying attention. They're the type of assholes to speed.

"Have any topping preference?" dad asked, pulling me out of my thoughts as I glanced at Jonathan.

"Not really," I shrugged. I looked at Jonathan from the corner of my eye and I could tell he noticed I was there. I so desperately wanted to sit next to him and talk to him, but I didn't want to deal with his friends. But he just looked so lonely as everyone else around him talked and talked.

We ordered the pizza and sat down. We were against the wall opposite of Jonathan and his friends. Dad and I chatted back and forth about how our days went until the pizza was ready. While me and dad were almost done eating, Jonathan and his friends got up to leave.

"Hey! You're the girl who sat next to me in Literature class!" someone said from behind me. I knew who it was and all the color from my face drained. I didn't want to talk to him, especially since my dad was with me.

"Hello Tyler," I mumbled and took a sip of my drink.

"You're name is (y/n) right?" he asked.

"Mhm," I replied in an unamused tone.

"This must be your dad," he commented. I didn't bother to look at him but I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was way too excited to meet my dad.

"Yeah," I muttered in a monotone voice.

"Hi. You have a great daughter," he said. I looked at dad and silently pleaded for him to not say something stupid. I think he picked up on my behavior towards Tyler and was able to tell that I wasn't fond of this guy.

"Thank you," he said with a smile. I knew usually if someone would say this, he would've said a lot more about me. But I was happy he could tell I didn't want to make smalltalk with Tyler or any of his friends. Well, with Jonathan as an exception.

Tyler didn't say anything else except for goodbye. He left, with Evan, Brock, Craig, Brian, and Jonathan trailing behind. Jonathan looked back at me before he walked out of the door. I couldn't easily see, but I could've sworn he smiled at me.

"So, what's his deal?" dad asked as soon as they drove away. I laughed, nearly chocking on the pizza in my mouth.

"He flirted with me as soon as I sat next to him, and I guess he thinks we have a connection now," I chuckled. Dad sighed in reply and shook his head.

We finished our pizza and left town to go home. I flung myself on my bed after I changed into sweats. I was glad my first day went fairly well. I was looking forward to the next few months ahead.

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