Chapter 4

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Jonathan quietly led me through the school. He kept his grip on my hand as we walked, even when we walked up stairs he kept his hold on my hand. His skin was cold to the touch, but I could feel his hand warm up the longer I held it.

We walked up one last flight of stairs that led to two huge doors. He opened them and my eyes widened. He took me to the roof. There were potted plants scattered around the place. Some were beautiful flowers and some were vegetables. There were also a few benches.

"Wow, I had no idea the roof was accessible," I spoke as I looked around.

"It was off limits, but they changed that rule when they allowed the gardening club grow their plants up here," Jonathan said and let go of my hand. He walked over to one of the benches and sat down. I joined him and sat next to him.

"This must be a hot spot for students to hang out, huh?" I sighed and looked at the view of the surrounding town.

"Actually, not many students know we're allowed up here. We've been banned for so long that some forgot we have a rooftop," he said as he laid his head back on the bench.

That's unfortunate. This place is so beautiful," I sighed. There was a pause before Jonathan said anything.

"I don't want a lot of people to know about this place," he muttered.

"Why is that?" I asked, confused.

"This is a tranquil place that I go to for peace and quiet. If everyone else knew about this, they would also hang out up here and it would no longer be my special place," he sat up and turned to look at me.

I took a second to think about what he said. He definitely wasn't wrong.

"Wait, this is your special place? And you brought me to it?" I asked. Though is face was mostly covered up by his hood, I could've sworn I noticed his face become pink.

"Yeah. Just promise you won't tell anyone else about it please?" he said in a whisper.

"Of course," I replied. I saw his mouth turn into a smile and he laid his head on the bench again. I also relaxed on the bench to take in the scenery. We both were quiet, but it wasn't awkward silence. We were both sinply taking in our surroundings.

After a few minutes, I saw Jonathan from the corner of my eye take his hood off. His face seemed peaceful and happy, so I didn't say anything. As we sat there, I felt a warm sensation in my chest. Jonathan was sharing something near and dear to his heart, and he trusted me with his secret.

As I looked up at the light blue sky, I could hear faint snoring from Jonathan. I glanced over to see him sound asleep. He was tilting towards me as he slept. I couldn't help but smile at his serene face.

I turned to look as the sky. As I stared at the sky, I laid my head back on the bench. I could feel myself become more and more tired as the tranquil surroundings put me at ease. As I was just about to loose consciousness, I felt something hit my shoulder. I was startled and I turned to see that Jonathan had fallen onto my shoulder. He was still asleep, and his head was now resting on my right shoulder.

I could feel my heart pound quickly as he peacefully slept against me. I longed for time to slow down or stop so I could enjoy the moment longer.

Unfortunately, the bell began to ring. I looked over at Jonathan, enjoying his sleeping face for one last second before I had to get to my next class.

"Hey, Jonathan?" I said as I lightly shook him. He began to mumbled tiredly and he squirmed a little bit. While he was half awake, he wrapped his arms around my torso. I could feel his body heat surround me as he held me tight. I know he didn't do it purposely, but I couldn't help but blush.

"Jonathan, we have to get to class before the second bell rings," I said louder. He finally opened his eyes. He didn't seem fully awake because he looked me in the eyes without saying anything. He seemed to be unaware of what was happening.

"We have to run to class," I said. He blinked, and I could tell he was finally fully awake. He quickly released me and and stood up from the bench. He put his hood back on his head and he hung his head low as he jogged to the doors. He disappeared back into the school, and I was left alone.

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