Chapter 15

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That following Monday, I made a conscious effort to avoid Evan, Tyler, and any of their minions. I couldn't get that dream out of my head. I continuously thought about the dream all weekend. It got to the point that my dad had asked me multiple times if I was okay.

I walked down the hallway to my locker and I could see Sydney. I quietly approached her and she gave me a smile.

"Hey," she greeted.

"Hi," I said, not sounding very excited.

"You have bags under your eyes. Did you not get much sleep?" she asked worriedly.

"Oh, uh... I didn't get a lot but I'm okay," I replied. It was true that I hadn't slept well all weekend. It was because I was too scared to slip into my dreams only to have a nightmare about Tyler again.

"You seem very aloof. Is there something on your mind?" she asked, examining my face in a very worried manner. I let out a sigh before I spoke.

"I had a dream Friday night that has been on my mind all weekend. I was chained down in a pitch black room. I could hear a laugh echoing in the room but I wasn't able to find the source of the laughter. But then Tyler came into view and he started saying things like, 'why have you been avoiding me?' and," I stopped to steady my breathing that was increasing the more I talked about the dream, "he then got on top of me and put his hand over my mouth. I woke up before he could try anything too disgusting."

Sydney stood there with a look of confusion and worry somehow mixed together. It seemed as if she didn't know how to respond.

"That sounds like a terrible dream. You okay?" she finally said after a moment of silence.

"I'm sure I'll be fine as long as we don't run into him, or any of his friends for that matter," I sighed and she nodded in agreement. The bell then rang, telling us to go to our classes.

"I'm off to literature," I sighed and waved goodbye to Sydney. She waved back and walked the opposite direction.

I started my way up the stairs as I watched the crowd of highschoolers rush to their respective classes. I was about halfway up the stairs when someone tugged at my foot from behind me. I was forced to grab the railing otherwise I would've landed on my face.

"Are you insane?!" I asked as I turned around, but I became speechless when I was met with the one person I wanted to avoid.

"I was just trying to stop you. All I wanted was to walk with you to class, since we have literature together," he spoke, having a twinge of creepiness in his voice. He walked up a few more stairs to stand beside me. Then he wrapped his arm around my torso rather forcefully and began to walk up the stairs, practically dragging me along with him. I attempted to push him away, but he was stronger than me.

"Wipe the terrified look off your face," he leaned into my ear and whispered, "If you make a scene, I will make sure you'll regret it."

I replaced my scared face with the most calm face I could manage in a situation like that. He led me into the literature room and led me to the chair next to his usual seat.

"What's this? Tyler was actually able to get a girl?" I heard someone chuckle.

"Shut up Brian," Tyler huffed.

"It's a miracle," I heard someone else comment while they snickered.

"David, it's not like you're one to talk. Same for you," he pointed to David and Brian angrily. They weren't fazed at all, actually that seemed to encourage them to keep talking.

"It feels like years since Tyler had a girl," Brian said thoughtfully.

"Well, he has been with girls, but those were all one night stands," David spoke while suppressing his laughter. His comment made Brian laugh, meanwhile Tyler sat beside me with a murderous look of pure rage.

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