Chapter 3

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I went to my next class, which was study hall in the library. This was the one class I knew the location of because the library was at the front of the school across from the main office. I walked in and I saw a free seat next to Jonathan. I casually strolled to the seat and sat down. There was nothing but silence between us for a few seconds until I broke it.

"Hi," I said, not receiving a reply but rather a nod. I decided to pretend I didn't know his name and ask.

"What's your name?"

Again, there was no reply. I felt like I was invading his personal space or something so I turned away from him.

"Sorry to disturb you," I muttered.

"Jonathan," he mumbled, just barely audible.

"Nice to meet you Jonathan. I'm (y/n)," I looked back at him to see that he was also facing me. I could see his eyes, but they were in the shadow of his hood. They looked gentle, despite his mysterious appearance.

The teacher then entered the room, and I could easily tell she hated her job. She sat down and just glanced up at us before reading some papers she was carrying.

"No need to tell you what class this is. Your schedule should say it. If your schedule doesn't say study hall, you're in the wrong place," he said in a monotone voice as she marked her papers.

I glanced over at Jonathan as everyone else began to socialize and do what they wanted.

"Such a wonderful teacher," I sarcastically muttered. Jonathan quietly chuckled at my remark.

"She's always like that," he whispered.

"How has she kept her job?" I giggled quietly.

"She isn't an official teacher since all she does is monitor study hall. The board finds no point in evaluating her if all she does is study hall," he spoke, looking over at the teacher who was clearly bored out of her mind.

"So we could basically do whatever and she wouldn't care," I concluded.

"As long as it's nothing too extreme. We could even walk out of the library and she won't say a word," he replied and glanced at the door.

"Really?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"She's stared at students who left and she didn't stop them or write them up," he said, still looking at the door. I didn't respond for a few seconds. I had to let that information settle.

"It seems like you want to leave," I commented. He looked over at me, and I could see a faint smile on his face. Though is smile was only there for a second.

"Yeah," he said.

I couldn't think of any homework I had, so there was no point staying. I stood up and looked down at him.

"If you don't mind, I would also like to skip. Want to go somewhere with me?" I asked. He didn't move or look up at me when I asked. I was hoping he was just considering, but he sat there quietly for a little while.

"If you don't want to go with me you don't have to," I muttered, feeling a strange sinking feeling in my chest. He still didn't reply so I began to walk to the door.

Before I reached the door, I felt a cold hand grab mine. I turned around startled, only to see Jonathan behind me. He didn't say anything when I looked back at him. He just started to walk out of the library, still holding my hand.

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