Series 2: Cuddles |E.M|

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Your POV

You sat comfortably on the floor engaged in the book that you were reading. You had blocked out all the noise from outside and in the house when you would read just so that you could really grasp the content of it. You were startled when a pair of hands slid down your arms, you jumped a bit and looked at Emilio who had an apologetic smile on his face.

"Oops" he chuckled slightly making you roll your eyes accepting the sweet kiss he placed on your lips.

"I'm trying to read"You playfully scold him trying to grab your book from him only to be thrown onto your bed.

"Cuddle" He mumbles snuggling into your side. His head in the crook of your neck.

"Emilio" You pout "We cuddled earlier! I want to read my book I'm nearly finished"

"Please baby" He sweetly says kissing your neck making you giggle as his hands held your sides

"Fine we can cuddle for a bit" You smile playing his hair. You ran your fingers through his hair making him sigh in delight as you would gently scratch his scalp. You noticed his breathing calm indicating that he had fallen asleep sprawled across you.

You smiled softly as the way he was curled up by your side, his leg draped over your body and his arms holding you closely to him. His warm breaths fanned your neck seeing as he was nestled in there.

You continued to play with his hair feeling your eyes become heavy with sleep.You mentally groaned because you knew that you were going to fall asleep despite wanting to continue reading your book. You let your eyes shut and your hand slowly dropped around Emilio's shoulder as you let him pull you closer.

Sleep had never felt more welcoming than when you were in his arms. You let yourself drift off into the peaceful silence not even thinking about your book.

Small kisses were placed all over your face as you slowly opened your eyes to look at your boyfriend who had a cheeky smile plastered on his face.You rolled your eyes at him pushing him back softly.

"You always do this to me" you giggle "I just wanted to read"

"There's no time to read when you have me to give all your love and attention to" He sassed

"You need to tone it down a bit love" You snicker walking over to your window looking out at the sky that was painted with a pastel pink and light orange. The white fluffy clouds decorating the sky lightly making it look absolutely beautiful.

The sound of the camera noise from a phone brought your attention away from the sky and at Emilio who stood there with a small smile.

"You looked so beautiful standing there" He gushed wrapping his arms around your waist

"You're so silly" You grin kissing him softly

"I love you Y/N" He mumbled kissing you again

"I love you too" You blush

The both of you stood there in each other's arms sharing small kisses and whispering 'I love you' to each other. This was way better than reading a book you had thought as you both walked down the stairs hand in hand.

Wow I highkey went M.I.A. for the longest time lmao. Sorry I haven't updated but here it is a cute lil imagine. So as you can see this is Series 2 since y'all were tripping balls over the smut I decided to just start writing the fluff. Please vote and comment, don't forget to follow me too!

Thank you for all the love and support!


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