Arguements |J.P|

776 11 3

for @thirwclls

Your POV

Notifications were overflowing your phone as you stared down at the picture that caused your heart to crack. The perfectly clear picture of Amanda and Jake holding each other as they laughed together, your heart ached at the sight of it. He never held you like that in public, actually he never held you like that at all. He started to be distant with you ever since him and Amanda began to grow close and it made you angry.

"Hey babe" Jake smiled kissing your head "I'm gonna go hang with Amanda today"

"Again? You hung out with her for this whole week" You scoff with a roll of your eyes

"And? What's the problem with me hanging out with her?" Jake asked the bad attitude he had evident in his tone "You always hang out with Tessa"

"Tessa is a girl and she's my best friend" You sneer "At least when I'm with her you don't have to worry about people telling you that you'd never get that kind of love from me"

"What are you even talking about?" Jake sighed

"You always hang with Amanda! I never get to hang out with you anymore because you always ditch me for her!" You glare "I'm your girlfriend but from the looks of it, you're too in love with her to even realize i'm here"

"You're so overdramatic Y/N! Amanda is my friend" He says  "I'm not even with her all the time"

"Miss me with that load of bullshit Jake!" You angrily seethed "I'm the one who has to listen to you chat with her all the time and gets tossed to the side because you only want to spend time with her!"

"That's not true!" Jake snapped "I hardly ever see her!"

"Jake, you've been with her more in these past few days than you have with me" You grumble "I thought we were dating but I guess not"

"Stop trying to act like a victim Y/N! You're just jealous of her for no reason" Jake said annoyed with the true accusations you were making but he'd never admit that

"Well, if you love her so much then why don't you date her instead!" You hiss "It's not like you care about me anyways"

"You're just jealous of Amanda for no reason!" Jake yelled exasperated "Get over yourself Y/N"

You felt your heart drop in your chest as you argued with him. You weren't going to make him see that he is closer to her than he is with you. You let your eyes drop to the floor as they filled with tears.

"Go have fun with Amanda then Jake. It's not like I matter anyways"You choke out

"There we go again with false accusations! You're so ridiculous I can't believe you" He huffed

"Fuck you Jake" You cry "Have a nice time with Amanda because when you come back I won't be here"

With that you turn on your heel and run out of the house slamming the door behind you. You ran down the street and got into your car driving to the one place Jake would never think to look for you.

Meanwhile at the house Tessa had just walked in after seeing you run off in tears, she knew it had to do with Jake. Tessa walked towards Jake who was tugging on a jacket and holding his keys ready to leave.

"Please tell me you're going after her" Tessa says

"No, I'm going to hang out with Amanda" Jake says "At least she isn't dramatic and overly jealous like Y/N."

"Jake you fucking idiot! She's not dramatic" Tessa yelled "She's hurt because lately you've only been giving Amanda attention and you've forgotten that you had someone who loved you for you and not the fame that trails beside you."

"What are you going on about?" Jake mumbled

"She loves you Jake. And what you did and said hurt her, you're letting the one good thing you have run away and you don't even care" Tessa frowns

"I...I didn't know that she loved me back" Jake frowned "That's why i've been with Amanda"

"You're an idiot Jake Paul." Tessa said with a shake of her head "Even a blind man can see that Y/N loves you with everything she has"

"I need to apologize to her, a friendship with Amanda means nothing to me." Jake rushes out "I need her"

As Jake ran out to his car he drove around town searching for you. He was growing tired and losing hope because he just couldn't seem to find you. Little did he know you were at the park where you had first met him. He drove by you multiple times but he didn't think to check that one place.

He stopped driving and turned back towards the park. He knew you just had to be there at the park and you were, he found you sitting on a bench holding your knees to your chest as you stared out into the pond.

"Y/N" Jake said startling you

"What do you want Jake?" You grumble looking back out to the pond.

"I came to find you" He said

"Shouldn't you be with Amanda?" You sneered throwing another pebble into the water.

"No, I should be with the love of my life" He said "Thats why I'm here. I'm sorry for neglecting you Y/N, I didn't know you loved me back"

"You're an idiot Jake Paul" You laughed "Of course I love you. But maybe I'm the idiot for doing so"

"No I'm the idiot for choosing someone who's not important over you, a girl who i'm madly in love with" Jake said as he pulled you up

His lips touched yours gently as he kissed you with all that he had. He wanted you to feel the love he felt for you through that kiss. You tangled your fingers in his hair enjoying the feel of his lips on yours.

"I'm sorry for hurting you" Jake softly said

"I forgive you Jake" You said still breathless

"I really do love you Y/N" He smiles kissing you again

"And I love you Jake" You grin

Hey guys!! Happy New Years! I hope you guys have lots of fun and party hard! But be safe and party smartly lmao. Anywhore, I hope you guys enjoyed this imagine, please leave a comment and vote and don't forget to give me a follow.

Thanks for all the love and support!


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