Remember Me |I.M|

539 14 3

Your POV

You laid there staring at the crowd that now surrounded you as Ivan held you close to him. Some reassuring him that help was on the way but they knew ,you knew, that you wouldn't make it by the time the ambulance arrived. You looked at your boyfriend with hooded eyes, his eyes were wet with tears.

How did you end up like that? How did you go from being perfectly healthy to lying in the street taking your last breaths? It was simple really, gunshot. But who shot you? Who wanted to end your life? That was also simple, an obsessed fan who ran a hate page about you, found out where you were and shot you right in the chest. The bullet had punctured one of your heart's chambers and the biggest question was, how were you still alive?

"Ivan" You weakly said "I love you"

"No, don't say goodbye" Ivan begged shaking his head as your hand began to fall from his.

The numbness had spread to your fingers, a sudden wave of coldness wrapped your body like a cocoon. Sharp intakes of breaths, your heart going from beating rapidly to slowing down.

"I love you, please don't leave me" Ivan begged "I still need you"

You looked at the boy you love, you took in his features one last time before shutting your eyes. The screams and cries coming from him and your friends in the distance now as your heart slowed and your breathing seized.

"Y/N?" Ivan screamed shaking you "Y/N please!"

His heart was aching, his body shook vigorously as he looked at your limp body in his arms. Your lips turning a pale pink along with your face that was ghostly white. Why did he have to say goodbye? Why did you have to go? His eyes darted over to the body of the fan who laid there also lifeless made him angry. That fan took their life after taking yours, they got away with what they did and you would get no justice.

"I love you" Ivan whispered "So much"

The night was silent, the faint noise of the sirens filled the air as people watched the broken boy who laid in the road holding his dead girlfriend. A puddle of blood surrounded you both, soaking your clothing. He bid one last goodbye before letting the paramedics pull you away from his body.

hello. enjoy this imagine and please vote and comment. also give me a follow! sorry for going ghost haha.

thank you for all the love and support


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