The truth about forever

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A week passed, and Chloe hadn't left Beca's side the whole time. After Kim had got the text from Luke about people knowing about what happened to Beca, there was nothing she could do about it. It was too late. The whole world now knew that Beca Mitchell had been shot whilst on vacation with her wife, and was now in a serious coma. Chloe was constantly getting tweets and texts, asking how Beca was doing. People commenting on all her past Instagram photos. Sure, she was flattered that they were all so concerned, but the fact that the whole world were tweeting her and asking her how her wife was, made this whole situation ten times more real, and it fucking killed Chloe inside. However, she did reply to a few people, telling them that she was grateful for their concerns, and that she was still waiting for Beca to wake up. That she wasn't giving up on her.

The redhead was constantly on edge, she was pretty sure that her heart beat was now in sync with Beca's heart monitor. Every time someone opened the door, every time a doctor would come in to check on Beca, Chloe would instantly stiffen and go into protective mode. Scooting closer to the brunette and tightening her grip she had on her hand. It was as if she was a mother eagle protecting her eggs and nest. Every single person that came in couldn't get a word out of her either, everybody except for Detective Rizzoli, who had started to speak to her more about what was going on, and her wife Maura Isles, who was extremely helpful when it came to talking about her thoughts and feelings.

6 days ago...

The sound of a soft knock on the door came to Chloe's ears just as she finished talking to Beca about their first date. "Chloe?" a gentle voice asked, and she turned her head to see the police officer from a few days ago.

"Hi, Jane." she greeted, then looked back at her wife's still face. However, she saw another woman out of the corner of her eye, so she turned her head to see that there was a beautiful, blonde woman in a blue dress and heels standing next to Rizzoli.

"Chloe, this is-"

"-Chief medical examiner, Maura Isles. It's nice to meet you Mrs Mitchell." the woman interrupted with a smile as she approached Chloe. The redhead tried to ignore how happy the woman looked, but her smile appeared to be contagious and before she knew it, Chloe was actually smiling, for the first time since the day of the shooting. Which was weird.

"Call me Chloe, please." the redhead said as she looked up at the woman with a small smile on her face.

"I'm really sorry about all of this, Chloe." Maura whispered as she leaned down next to the redhead and placed a comforting hand on her knee. The redhead nodded and looked back at her wife, who still hadn't moved at all. Still hoping, though, that she would. One day.

"You think she's going to die, don't you?" Chloe asked after a beat of silence, not looking away from Beca's pale face. Her heart beat sped up at the thought of the brunette dying. At the thought of not being able to hear her voice again, or see her beautiful, dark blue eyes. Not being able to hold her, or make love to her. Instant tears formed in the redhead's eyes, and Jane immediately knew that the question was intended for her, but Maura answered it before she could say anything.

"We're here to help you, Chloe-"

"-You're a chief medical examiner. They work with dead people, right?" she now turned her head so she could look at the doctor. "You think she's going to die."

"We're not saying that, Chloe." Jane answered before Maura could. "I brought my wife here so she could help you. She knows what it's like for this kind of thing to happen, and so do I."

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