Moments of impact

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AN:so happy that we are on 1K reads. I hope you are enjoying the book and thanks for all the kind comments that I'm getting from you guys❤️

It never really occurred to Chloe Beale how life could change dramatically; within a matter of days, hours, even minutes. A few months ago, hher life was pretty much bordering on perfect. She was the happiest she's ever been, and she only thought that in movies, something as drastic as losing your wife due to severe memory loss was possible. She's seen enough movies to know that there's always a silver lining to everything. But unfortunately, Chloe Beale's life is not a movie. It's not planned out and directed to perfection. Life is.. how can I put this? Unfair. Chloe didn't ask for this to happen, and she wouldn't wish it on her worst enemy. She always believed there was a higher power before them, and that there was always somebody looking down on her. Looking after her. But right now, in this very moment, in a cold, smelly toilet cubicle, in the dark restroom of UCSD Medical Center, she's pretty sure that she's all alone in the world. And that scared her to no end.

What she obviously wasn't aware of; is that Beca felt the exact same. Alone. One day, she was a nineteen year old, happy, although a little bit alternative girl, aspiring to be a DJ. She had the best boyfriend a girl could ask for, said boy being Jesse Swanson. Her parents were.. alive. And she was pretty sure that her life was perfect too. (Despite the insomnia and anxiety.) Now? Now, she wakes up to find out that she's a twenty-eight year old famous music producer and singer. She's married to a woman named Chloe Beale. Her friends are nowhere to be found, and the people who claim to be her friends she has no recollection of even meeting. Her parents are dead. Jesse is married to a woman named Aubrey. And she has no family. She's also alone.

Chloe's back arched as she leaned over the toilet and threw up for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. Aubrey was kneeling beside her on the cold tiles of the hospital bathroom as her comforting hands ran soothingly up her back, and the other held her hair back from her face. It had been a few hours since Chloe had got the news that her wife no longer knew who she was, and it had been a half hour since Chloe took the test that she's been dreading to take. If this was, say-a month ago, Chloe would be ecstatic. Chloe would be jumping up and down with joy and Beca would be too. But no, Beca doesn't know, and Chloe's not planning on telling her any time soon either.

She doesn't need to know.

"Chloe-" Aubrey was cut off by, yet again, the sound of Chloe throwing up into the grimy toilet. She carried on rubbing circles on the redhead's back, and eventually, Chloe pulled back and leaned against the door of the cubicle, breathless and sweaty. Aubrey quickly got some tissue from the toilet roll holder and wiped Chloe's mouth with it, then stood up and flushed the toilet.

Meanwhile Chloe held the pregnancy test in front of her, staring at the two red lines that indicated positive. Her heart raced the longer she stared at it, and she rested her elbow on her bent knees and put her head in her free hand. Aubrey looked down at her, and saw the clogs turning in her head. She sat down on the floor beside her best friend, ignoring the ache in her legs where she had been kneeling down for too long.

"I don't understand." Chloe said in a raspy voice, her throat sore from all the crying and throwing up. "Why now? Why the hell do I have to be pregnant now?"

"Chloe, everything's gonna be okay." Aubrey whispered as she put an arm around the redhead's shoulder, and Chloe relaxed into her embrace. "I know that it seems like it's the end of the world, but we're gonna get through this. That child is going to have the most amazing mother, and it's going to be loved unconditionally by all of us."

"But what about Beca? It's Beca's baby too." she found herself tearing up again at the realization that she's going to be a single mother, and the baby isn't going to experience what it's like to have a mother like Beca Mitchell.

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