Chapter Seventeen

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From Robin and Oak's strained expressions as we hurried down the hallway toward the main room, I could tell that the council didn't often visit this hideout unless something was very wrong.

My mind instantly leapt to the worst conclusions. Had the soldiers found my dress? Had one of the Lowborns above ground betrayed me? Had they arrested Moon or any of the other temple residents? Was the council here to dispose of me before I could cause any more damage?

With apprehension and fear twisting my insides, I followed the family as we emerged into the base's main room. It was empty of Phoenix People except for the same cloaked figures who had visited me in the church.

Robin, Oak, and Dove instantly dropped to their knees respectfully and I followed suit, if a beat late.

"Rise," one of the figures ordered, obviously a woman by the pitch and tone of her voice. She waited until we all were standing awkwardly before speaking again.

"We have determined that the temple is not an ideal location to hide the princess. It is unsafe, both for her and Lowborns. We are moving her to headquarters."

Perfect. My heart rate began to pick up. I was finally going to be privy to the Phoenix People's biggest secrets.

"Melody will fill you in on the details. She is waiting in Public Area 1. She will be accompanying you to the encampment, along with Annamarie, Griffin, and Theo."

Fleetingly, I wondered how this woman was aware that I knew the girl and men - she had referenced them far too easily for it to be a coincidence. A small part of me was made rather uncomfortable by that - exactly how much did the council observe?

"Dove, please take Alexia to Public Area 1. We would speak with your parents."

I almost didn't realize that the woman hadn't used my title. Almost. But somehow, it didn't feel as offensive as it had when others had ignored it.

Dove hesitated uncertainly before nodding and silently gesturing for me to follow her.

I reluctantly followed the little girl, quite curious as to what the council wanted with Robin and Oak. I knew that it was not my place to be part of the conversation, however, so I soon found myself in what was apparently Public Area 1. It was just another plain stone room, but far larger than the other rooms I had been in so far.

There was a counter in the back that allowed a visual into another, much smaller area, which was devoid of people and dark at the moment. I wondered what the counter was used for realizing that perhaps it was how food got from the kitchens to the main room.

Melody was seated at a roughly hewn stone table. Seeing how the table only contributed to the bland monotony of the rest of the room, I wondered how the permanent residents of this hideout didn't go insane - everything was the same boring grey, after all.

My ex-handmaiden stood to greet us and I instantly sensed her hostility toward me.

"Looks like we're gonna be together for a little while longer," she noted, her voice flat and dull. I was not sure how to react, so I merely nodded.

"Our headquarters is extremely important to the rebellion," Melody told me. Dove snuggled into her side and she ruffled the child's hair fondly, yet keeping her expression towards me strict.

"I understand. I will do my best not to endanger it," I promised.

"Good. We're going to be traveling there on horseback. Are you okay with that?"

I grinned and nodded, feeling my spirits lift. "Riding's one of the few things I'm good at."

I saw a hint of a smile cross Melody's face as well, either out of thankfulness that I wasn't making things more complicated or at my self-inflicted insult - I wasn't sure.

"Good. Then you will have no issues with the journey. Once we are there, you will receive your first mission."

My eyes widened. Of course, I had known that I couldn't simply be harbored by the Phoenix People, that I would have to give something back, but I had hoped that it would simply be offering information. Going on missions sounded frightening. Terrifyingly dangerous, in fact.

"Calm down," Melody said scornfully in response to my expression, but her voice softened as she explained. "It isn't like we'll be throwing you into death's embrace. Just a few routine missions, if even that many. Nothing overly perilous."

I nodded slowly, not feeling very at ease despite her assurances. I had a feeling that what wasn't overly frightening to Melody would not exactly meet my personal standards for a safe situation.

"When do we leave?" I asked, pushing my apprehension to the side momentarily.

Melody grinned and this time, the gesture reached her eyes. "Now."


Sorry for the short chapter, and thanks to everyone who's stuck with it this far! :)

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