Thank you!//Things I Changed

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THANK YOU to everyone who read this entire book. Your support means the world to me and motivates me to continue writing. Feel free to check out my other books or my short stories on izzywriter2! Again, thank you for your kindness and patience - I know that the uploading of this book has been a lengthy process, so your dedication is all the more meaningful :)


If this sort of thing interests you, here are a handful of things that I changed when editing the story or considered incorporating in!

Love interest: Obviously, Alexia doesn't have a love interest. While beginning to write the book, I considered many different people who are already in the story to be her love interests. This was before I decided upon these other characters' relationships and sexuality. Characters I considered for Alexia's love interest were: Melody, Griffin, Glimmer, and Moonrunner. Then I decided that Alexia would be asexual, and that was that :)

Devoutness: In the original draft, Alexia was much more devout and obsessed with the gods that are mentioned several times throughout the book. However, this was incredibly difficult for me to write, as I am in no way a religious person, and I dropped the idea halfway through. It did not make editing easy, let me tell you...

Name: Audric used to be named Andrew. I disliked this name from the start and hated it even more after a friend read the first page and commented on how out of place it was. I always knew Audric would have to be named something that began with an A, however, to fit the theme of the three siblings: Audric, Alia, and Alexia.

Backstory: I was originally going to explain what happened to Alia in the desert but decided to leave it open-ended because A) it wasn't really necessary to the story and B) it leaves my options open for a possible accompaniment or prequel novel :)

There were many continuity errors in this scene. I honestly don't remember what time in my life I wrote this part, but something crazy must have been going on for me to be so flighty!

Alexia's injured leg: I sorta forgot this was a I had to edit it in while uploading it. That was really not fun, both to realize and to rectify.

Water: Anna did find a stream in the original draft of the story. However, I forgot this and consequently wrote a spell into the book through which moisture could be dragged up from deep within the earth. I disliked this idea, however, and it didn't do much for the story aside from add pages, so I scrapped it.

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