Chapter Thirty-Two

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The infirmary was located in a large treehouse a ways out of the camp. I felt apprehensive as we climbed the ladder that had been lowered for us. Would there be dangerous Lowborn diseases within?

Melody said that all of the stories about diseases are myths, I reminded myself.

Of course she'd say that. She's a Lowborn, a quiet voice pointed out.

However, I still followed the others into the treehouse, my curiosity as to the identity of Annamarie's Highborn father winning out over my fear.

Lanterns were lit and hanging from the walls and ceiling. There were many cots lining the walls, most of them vacant and clustered close together to save space. The ones that were being used were occupied by people who were either unconscious or sleeping.

Griffin was lying in a cot pulled into the center of the room. Extra lanterns were positioned around him, placing him in a near-holy pool of light.

A man was bending over him, checking on him. When the stranger heard us enter, he turned to greet us.

My jaw dropped. My breath caught in my throat. Finally, I managed to speak. "H - High Mage Adrian?"

The High Mage spread his hands wide and grinned. "Princess Alexia! I'm glad to see you here at last."

I felt weak. Betrayal coursed through my veins.

The job of High Mage was one of the most coveted Highborn positions. Only the most magically inclined could become mages, and the High Mage ruled them all. He protected the kingdom and cared for the ill who had otherwise incurable diseases.

The High Mage was irreplaceable, crucial to the success and prosperity of all Highborns. And here he was, working against them.

Shaking my head vehemently, I whispered, "No," backing towards the open trapdoor.

"Alexia?" Anna asked, confused. My eyes darted from face to face. Everyone returned my frenzied gaze with confusion. Did they truly not know who this man was?

"He's the High Mage," I told them.

Melody shrugged, still confused. "We know. He's an invaluable asset to the Phoenix People."

I turned my attention to High Mage Adrian. "How could you?" I whispered.

His eyebrows shot skyward. "Rather hypocritical, wouldn't you say, Princess?"

I clutched my head, trying to process all of this. You have betrayed your people as well, a small, rational voice in my head whispered.

"How long?" I asked quietly.

"Nearly two decades."

"Oh, gods." I took a deep breath, burying my feelings and deciding to listen to the rational voice. "I'm fine."

Everyone continued to stare at me strangely, so I repeated myself. "I'm fine."

Anna was biting her lip worriedly. I remembered how excited she had been for me to meet her father and felt a pang of guilt - although I could hardly even comprehend the fact that the supposedly most loyal of the Highborns had a halfbreed child.

Hoping to smooth things forward, I stepped forward and held out a hand. "I am deeply sorry, High Mage. I was shocked, is all. It is truly a pleasure to see a familiar face."

High Mage Adrian smiled warmly, accepting my handshake. "I completely understand," he assured me. "No worries."

Anna sighed in relief. She moved to stand next to her father, slipping her small hand into his. He smiled fondly down at her.

Theo crossed the room to check on Griffin as Melody stepped forward.

"Melody!" High Mage Adrian exclaimed. He enveloped her in a one-armed hug. "Finally, we can speak freely once again."

I realized that at royal functions, which the High Mage was always invited to, Melody and High Mage Adrian would have frequently seen each other yet been unable to communicate. The thought was a strange one.

"It's so good to see you, Adrian," Melody said, smiling widely.

I walked past the trio as they struck up a lively conversation about things I knew nothing of. Stopping next to Griffin's bed, I glanced across it at and said quietly, "This must be terrible for you."

"Worse for him," Theo pointed out grimly.

"No," I replied slowly. "You're just feeling a different kind of pain."

Theo looked at me for a long moment. "Thank you," he finally replied, his words sincere.

Griffin suddenly yawned, slowly awakening. He blinked blearily up at Theo. "Oh, hello," he greeted him, dazed.

Theo just chuckled and bent to kiss his forehead.


We stayed in the Phoenix People headquarters through a good part of the next day before the council contacted us again. I had been spending the time with Anna, swapping childhood tales.

The tables and chairs were already set up when Melody, Theo, Anna, and I entered the underground room. Today, only the councilwoman and one other council member were present.

"We have determined that the Eyeless One was placed in the forest purposefully," the councilwoman, said, no greeting given.

"What?" Melody demanded, shocked. I shifted uncomfortably.

"The beast hasn't been seen in decades. For it to appear now, near our headquarters?" The councilwoman shook her head, splaying her pale hands over the map. "It can't be a coincidence."

"Are you saying that the king knows our location?" Anna asked fearfully, her eyes wide.

"We don't know. But, Princess - as soon as Griffin has healed, you will be returning to the city."

"I don't understand. I thought the city wasn't safe."

"It isn't. But if our theory about the Eyeless One is correct, Audric has us backed into a corner. We have no other options but to move you from location to location in the hopes that we can remain one step ahead of him."

Sounds exhausting, I thought. Wordlessly, however, I nodded. If it was indeed the safest option, then I was open to the idea.

"You are dismissed," the councilwoman said.

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