Chapter 3

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I look over to see that his camera was facing towards us. I put my hood up and say "I'll tell you later." "Okay," he said smiling. I still don't know what he does he said he was going to tell me but that didn't happen, so ill just ask what does with that camera later. Logan and I start finishing up. After we put my bed together I plopped down on it and gowned because we still have shit to do. as I was closing my eyes he asked "what's wrong?" "I don't want to do this anymore." He nodded his head "oh." I get up off the bed and walk out of the room with Logan following me. "FUCK!" " Sophie what's wrong?!" He said with worried in his voice. "The one thing I forgot is food." "Well I was gonna ask if you wanted to go out to dinner with me?" Is Logan really asking me out on a date? I don't know if I'm ready to have a boyfriend again because of what happen last time.

**Start Of Flashback**

We've been going out for about 2 months now and he's being a little not like himself lately. I was honestly a little scared of him even though I'm one of the world greatest female boxer. "Hey uh Bryce?" "What do you want Sophie!" He yelled. "I was uh just wondering if you wanted for dinner tonight?" "Hmm I don't know surprise me with whatever nasty thing is in that kitchen." I walked away and decided to make chicken casserole. He never came out of our room once to see what I was cooking. About an hour later I get done with the food and put some on wo plates. I place them on the table and yell for Bryce saying, "Dinners done." He walks out of his room and sits down without a word. I start eating but he doesn't, he keeps staring at me. He gets up and walks to me. He pushed me to the ground and is now yelling at me for no reason. He then grabs my neck and is choking me. I punch him in the face and he lets go. "YOU LITTLE BITCH." I grabbed my phone and ran outside to call the police. I succeeded and walk back inside to were he has a gun pointed to my head. I stop in my tracks. He starts walking towards me and is now coking me again. Soon enough all I saw was black.

**End Of Flashback**

"So will you?" He asked begging me. "Hmm I'll let you know when were done unpacking. He nods. I find a room were I can place my punching bag at. "LOGAN I NEED YOU," I yell. I was to short to put it on the ceiling. He walks in and sees me carrying the punching bag and he laughs. "It's not funny." "He then pulls out him camera. I hurry up and put my hood on over my face. "Looks like little miss shorty can't reach the ceiling can she." He laughs again. "Are you gonna help me or what?" I said with a bit of sass to my voice. He nods and helps me connect the bag to the ceiling. "Thank you," I smile. I start walking to the pill of boxes that need to be in the boxing room but I was stopped by Logan hugging me and saying "Your welcome." I hug back because I couldn't resist on not hugging a big cuddly man child. He turns his camera off an d says, "we should do a montage." "Of what though, I'm a boring little 21 year old." We laugh. "What about a montage of us making the rooms full of your stuff? I already got so footage of me and you making the furniture." I nod "okay." I giggle because he starts running around the house like a little child. "Are you having fun there?" I giggle. He just smiles. As we start finishing up the house he asks the question again, "so will you go out to dinner with me?" "Sure," I say. He seems like a fun lovable guy to be around so why not. He starts jumping up and down and sure enough I'm over his shoulders holding on to him and screaming, "PUT ME DOWN LOGAN!" He shacks is head, "Never." He then goes to my room and says, "get ready," and walks out shutting the door. I hear him in the other room talking to his camera. I go to my closet and pick out a black dress that goes up to my knees. I put that on and go to the bathroom to do my makeup. "HEY SOPHIE ARE YOU DRESSED?" "YA, I'M PUTTING ON MAKEUP," I yell back. I came in and says, "I gonna go change into my outfit I'll be right back." "Okay." "Oh and before I leave I love your outfit." I smile and say, "Thanks Logan." I finish up I make up and do my hair into two French braids. Before I head to Logan's apartment I grab my converse, phone, and credit card.


Word count: 869

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