Chapter 8

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"Will you go out with me?" Logan said. After you said that all I can think about head with those words will you go out with me. I look at Logan for a moment I look down at the piece of paper in front of me. I write down "yes" on the peice of paper and slide it to Logan who was confused for a moment and was a bit nervous. He reads the note and started to jump up and down like a little child also known as a man-child. I giggled for a moment. I grabbed a piece of paper that was still on the counter and start writing down a list for groceries. I look up for a moment to see Logan holding Kong and play with him. I continue writing down things to get from the store while looking through the cabinets and reminding myself that we have to get dog food. I've always wanted a dog but like a big dog not like Logan's. I have three favorite dog breeds that I would like to but I needed to get one. Why cops are your favorite dog breeds were German shepherd, husky, pitbull. My favorite was a pitbull. But I decided to get a husky. Logan looked at my grocery list and I was confused on the dog food part."I would really like to get a dog," I say. "Isn't kong enough for you?" I pet kong and say "yes I do love the animal but I would like to get a dog for myself." He nodded his head and and asked "What dog would you want." I say "husky but there a bit expensive." He looks at me and grabs the list of foods. He runs out the door. "Hey I need to go shopping," I yell. I run after him. He runs to the elevator with me following behind. The elevator sorts shut right when I get there. He smiles and waves saying "I'll be back." I looked at him while the doors were slowly shutting and say "drive safe, please." I wall back to my apartment to see kong on the sofa just chilling. I grab kong and sit were he was sitting. I put a blanket on me and set kong down in my lap. I grab the Xbox controller and look through Netflix. I click on "magicians" and just start to relax. After a few minutes I start to feel my eyes getting heavier. Shortly after I'm fast asleep.

**Logan's POV**

I hear Sophie say "drive safe, please" before the doors closed. My heart started to pound a bit faster. "She said yes, oh my god she said yes" I say to myself. Good thing no one else was in the elevator with me because I'm freaking out. I get down to the last floor and I head to the car garage. I walked past my fans and said hi and took a few pictures then left. I hop in my car and start driving the store. After a few minutes I get to the store and start walking in. I look at the list and grabbed a cart. Just a few things, more like a whole lot of things. An hour went by and I got 3/4 of the things on the list. I head down one of the isles and I see one of my good friends. "Mark" I yell from one end of the isle. He turns around and yells "Logan." We run up to each other and do out bro hug. "Hey man what are you doing here" he says. "Oh I'm just doing some shopping" "Logan Paul, accully shopping, wow that's crazy." Mark says. We laugh. "So what's new" mark said. "Oh not much but guess what." "What" Mark says really exited. "I have a girlfriend!" Mark stood there in shock. "Bro I'm happy for you." "Thanks man, but I should probably get going and finish shopping." Mark responds "ya I should too." We hug and leave. After 30 minutes I finished shopping. I get in line and put everything in the car leaving room in the front seat for a special something. I drive off to the pet store. A few minutes later I get there and walk inside. I looked around grabbing toys and treats. I get to the dogs area and look at the different dogs. I saw two huskys ones white with one green eye and one blue eye. I look over to the other one and see a black husky with both eyes the same and the white one. I ask a clerk if there brother and sister and she responds with "yes they are would you like to hold them?" I said "yes deffently." She's takes them out of there little cage area and passes them to me. I look at them thinking in my head "these are the ones." I ask the clerk "can I buy these two please. "Absolutely." She says. It takes awhile but I got them and were now heading to the car. I put them both in the front seat and drive back to the apartments. I open the door to Sophies apartment. The dogs ran in.

**Sophies POV**

I wake up to dogs licking my face.

Hey everyone so I hoped you liked this one. There will be another chapter soon but this is one that I've been working in for bit. Anyways should I make a different way for them to talk like...
Logan blah blah blah
Sophie blah blah
...should I do that or is the way I'm doing it okay. Anyways hoped you liked it talk to y'alls in the next one.

Word count: 960

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