The Golden Girl

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They are the broken tidbits of one another, the missing pieces of each other. A living disaster for others, destructive but inevitable. Too different from each other...yet too similar. Together, they are complete, together they are unbeatable.

-The Golden Girl


"Lakeview prep, a prestigious private school with an unbeatable academic result."

Well...that's what the outsiders say, but inside, there's much more than books and foodfights, more than high school fling and bleachers, there's social hierarchy, there's a kingdom revolving around Faye Lockwood and River Blake.

The hallways here reflects glamour, the establishment of the new era. And the students, they are the gems, coated with a layer of hierarchy and privilege. The failures never fits here, in the homerooms, in the hallways, they don't belong to the complicated system of monarchy. This is a place for rulers, for those who know how to conquer others, for those who know how to form a kingdom of their own, for those people who can run the destructive, manipulating system here.

There are separate tables for everyone, based on their social status. The king and queen, along with their bishops and knights seats in the middle of the whole cafeteria, there are separate hangout places for them, people parted ways for them, they throw the most memorable parties which includes destruction to new beginnings and secretive meetings.

They are called the kings and queens in Lakeview but we know them as the populares, the leading cluster on the hit list, the founders of the whole monarchy system. The citizen or may I say, the students here are totally aware of those especial teenagers who even if have the same physique in comparison with them, have their shadow lingered on them.

Now, now, let's start with the convenient meetings...

Meet Madeline Bishop, the gorgeous brunette cheerleader and Faye's one of the two best friends. Her armor, words. They can pull you under a magic spell. A cluster of best friends, loving parents, money to practically drown in, her whole life reflects luxury. It's heaven if you have a relation with her without any bad blood, cause, trust me, being in the hatelist of Madeline Bishop is NOT at ALL cool...looks could kill and this enchanting beauty will be the definition of your destruction if she hates you.

Now meet Zachary Blake, River's stepbrother and best friend in crime. A player, a conqueror. You never and I mean never mess with him unless you wanna get killed. But well, even after all this, even if he has a reputation of shit, has a different girl by his side one can deny the fact that he's the only one whom you can rely upon, he's surprisingly trustworthy...well if he's a friend of yours that is.

Enter Aubree Beckham or Bree as everyone calls her, Faye's other best friend and one of the very few populares who's nice to each and everyone out there. She's the tomboy, allergic to girliness and never wears a dress. Spends most of the time playing videogames and lacrosse. Yes, she's in the school's lacrosse team and yes she's amazing in the field. Maybe that's why River liked her. Yes, she had a boyfriend once and yes it was River Blake.

Now comes, Max Richmond, the manwhore, the manipulator, the basketball guy and well River's brother from another mother. He has fucked almost everyone in the school including the year above. Oh and yah, his mouth doesn't have a filter.

Now meet Justin, Justin Walter, a senior who one way or another makes it to the top of the hit list. He's popular, hot, ravishing. People love him, respect him, follow him, is attracted to him. People like Faye for her popularity, for her looks, for her money but he, he loves her for what she actually is. He can jump off a cliff for her, he can do practically anything for her.

Now the guy cause of whom everything started in the first place... Kyle Francis, the guy girls die for, the high-tech gamer, the captain of the school's lacrosse team. You see, he's the full package with every aspect. What's not to like? It's a shame that he doesn't give a shit about his admirers, about girls with red lips, short skirts, bold and strong features, about girls like Faye or Faye for that matter, cause well, somewhere he has his eyes fixed on that certain girl, on Stacey Sky. Pity, I know.

Now all hail in front of the king, in front of River Blake, cause now, it's his turn.

He's an egoistic bastard, as Faye puts it. He's cocky, he's player, he's the king, the ultimate quarterback, the attention seeker, the destroyer and her biggest enemy or may I say frenemy?

As for Faye Lockwood, you don't need an explanation cause well, you have already entered her life.

The life of the queen of hearts, the life of the Golden Girl.



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