11. Faking it (Part One)

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Humming an old song to herself, Martha took the stairs, making her way to Faye's room where she was getting ready for the auction.

"Martha, I will be leaving now, make sure that she arrives in the after party just in time, if not, remember, your job will be in stack." And a shiver run down through her body as she heard her boss's haunting voice, Arthur Lockwood's voice.

"Y- Yes sir... I... I will make sure that... that she get's there just in time, just in time sir." She stammered, her voice weak and fear visible in it.

He firmly nodded and barged out of the room. That's when, she let out the breath she didn't know she was holding.

Turning around, she made her way to Faye's room.

Martha felt bad for the poor child that she has been looking at since the last thirteen years. The things that she had been through, the things that she had seen, she didn't deserve them, she didn't deserve being treated like that. Martha had seen Faye turning from a child to the girl she is now, she has seen those drastic changes in her and whatever the outsiders say, Martha didn't care. She was proud of her, proud that even if she has been through so much, Faye still can held her head high and face the world with so much confidence.

"Faye, child, are you done?" And as soon as Faye heard her voice, she opened the door and grabbed Martha's hand, pulling her inside.

She instantly threw herself on Martha, hugging her tightly "Where were you? God, I missed you so much, so much. You didn't tell me where you went to, I was so alone here, even Georgina wasn't there, she just arrived last weekend, you know I am not that close to them, thank God you are here now." Pulling away Faye looked at the woman standing in front of her, the woman whom she had spent her last thirteen years with, whom she had spent her childhood days with.

"Gosh honey, I missed you too. I am sorry I didn't tell you. Things went a little sore back down in Toronto, took some time to clear everything." Martha said, patting Faye's cheek, a warm smile on both of their faces.

"Anyways, are you ready for the party?" And when Martha took a good look at Faye, her eyes widened, her mouth opening and closing like a fish. She didn't believe in her eyes.

"What are you wearing?" She finally asked, her eyes running over Faye once again.

And that is when a devilish smirk grew on Faye's face. Leaving Martha there, she walked up to the mirror and running a hand through the fabric of her dress, she looked at herself, "Do I look like a slut?" She asked, the smirk never leaving his face.

Her eyes ran through her own body, through the tight backless golden dress that was clinging on her body, almost becoming the second skin. The dress was so so so tight and short that it hardly came two inch below her bust.

Her hair was messed up and her face, well, that was a different story. Her sapphire orbs were covered with a thick layer of eyeliner and dark eyeshadow. Her face was covered with concealer, a pink blush visible on it.

Though she was looking hot as hell, she knew that it was not an appropriate dress code for the afterparty and nor for the auction. She will look like a prostitute compared to everyone out there.

And that's what she wanted to look like.

A bitch, a whore.

She wanted to make her dad feel ashamed upon her, she wanted to make her dad regret his decision.

"You are so not wearing that." Martha's eyes were narrowed and a frown was making its way towards her face.

"You don't understand, I need to wear that." She shook her head, a small smile visible on her face. No, not a happy one, but one that mocked herself.

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