54. Red

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"He made her want to live."

-The Golden Girl.

She traced her lips with her fingers and leaned onto the door that she had slammed shut a moment ago.

Her hands were shaking, breathless. And the smile that she had on her face was so soft and so real, that it radiated happiness to miles away.

She had never felt that much of happiness. Never. Oh how she wanted to just scream at the top of her voice and sing songs without rhythm and scale. She wanted to dance, jump, spin and so, she did.

She spun around, giggling and singing a mashup of songs that reminded her of everything that she was feeling right now, every verse ending with the same sentence that she herself cared to add.

Something that went along the line, 'God, I love him.'

Faye, to put it simply, did not look like the queen at that time, no, she did not look like the perfectionist, nor like the model that walked the runway three months ago.

She looked like a girl in love.

"Miss Faye, are you okay?" The new butler that had just joined last week did not have any clue why the said 'proper-elegant-disciplined-classy' Faye Lockwood was acting the way she was.

"Mr Aram, how do you do?" Her eyes sparkled when they landed on the  worker that her mother had especially appointed all the way from Dubai.

Faye walked upto him, pulling that old man into a hug, making him froze.

And when she pulled away, her smile still remained.

"I am great, Miss Faye. Thank you for asking. But are you alright? You seem a little... unstable."

Intoxicated, he meant.

Faye chuckled at that and then leaned on the wall, her eyes now at the ceiling.

"I am just so happy Mr Aram." She breathed, her eyes closed. His face flashed in front of her and the fuzzy feeling returned.

"Oh, Mr Aram, can you just die of happinesses?" She asked, her eyes glistening.

And the old man smiled.

"Oh Miss Faye, but happiness is what keeps us alive." He said with a chuckle.


"Happiness gives us hope, Miss Faye. That all this could be better, that the sunrise that we want to see so desperately is actually there. Waiting for us to wake up."

"I feel like I saw the sunrise today, and it was so beautiful, Aram. So warm. So fresh. And I want to see it everyday. In its full glory, with all the happiness."

"You really do love him."

"I would live for him."

He was not able to sleep the whole night and all he could think about was her. Her smile. Her eyes. Her lips. Her.

River Blake, you have soccer practice first thing in the morning. Get some sleep. Or you are going to look like a zombie in front of her.

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