39. Unrequited love

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He never thought of someone else,
He never wanted someone else instead of her.
She was his only escape.
His little ray of sunshine.

-The Golden Girl


"I am not getting engaged." He gritted out, his knuckles turning white as he formed them into tight fists. His eyes turned a shade of red and anger spilled through his nerve.

This cannot be happening. Not now.

"You are going to meet her, that's it. Do not you know River, how important this contract is for us? It can change the phase of Blake enterprises. This is a perfect opportunity." Came the calm response from Alexander Blake. He sat on his chair, calmly going through his files.

"But father, it should be my choice. Hell, I am not even a fucking adult. I have things to accomplish, I have dreams. For christ sake, I do not want to get tied in a commitment, a commitment that does not have to do anything with my heart. Marriage is not a joke, you, out of everyone should know that. I do not even know this girl!" And for the first time his father looked at him in the eye.

"You will get to know her, soon. And she will turn out to be a perfect bride." The man nodded.

One would be terrified by looking at both of them, the way their features looks so similar, so so similar, like they are looking at each other's reflection. The same hair color, the same dark eyes, the same physique. The way they were sitting right now, opposite to each other, makes you feel like one is standing in front of a mirror. Sure, one looked more older in his tight suit and growing stress marks but that does not erase the fact that River is a splitting image of his father.

"The girl has seen you in magazines and all. From what her father says, she is pretty excited to meet you." He added.

"But I do not even know her! How can I be with someone whom I have never even seen, never talked to?" River frowned.

"And that is why you both are going out this Friday."

"I am not going anywhere. I do not want to go out with anyone. I am not going to be with her and agree to this marriage contract."

"Son, I did not ask for your opinion, I am just informing you. I do not care if you do not want to." The smirk that accompanied his father's features made him look at that guy with pure disgust, pure hatred.

"Nothing can make me." He gritted out.

"Your car will be gone by tomorrow."

"I will do a favor and beat it out myself. I do not care about those materialistic things, I never did. Alexander Blake, nothing can make me go to this date." Now, it was River's time to smirk.

"I will find something River and soon you will be bound to agree to it."

"Good morning babe." A girl entered the empty classroom with a large smirk occupying her face. She was petite, her eyes cold and her physique somewhere said that she was a dark soul, a soul hiding too many secrets, a soul planning too many deaths. She was the victimizer playing the role of a victim.

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