28. Paper houses

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"She was so effortlessly herself, it is hard not to fall for her." He said to himself, shaking his head, a warm smile on his face.

In her arms, there was home. Funny how home turned to someone's embrace from a place.

-The Golden Girl.


"I am never gonna understand my brother." Zach walked inside the room, shaking his head, making Faye look at him in confusion.

"What to do you mean?"

"He is cooking, that fucking bastard is cooking, for you. He never cooked for me." He said pouting.

"Oh poor Zachy boy, he just loves me more." Faye said, laughing, making Zach roll his eyes.

"If you only knew Faye." Zach whispered under his breath, making her look at him with surprise.


"Oh, yah, nothing, well, I want you to do something." And she looked at him with an arched eyebrow.

"What is it?"

"River's mom wants to meet him this weekend." And Zach scratched the back of his head, suddenly his eyes becoming sad and making its way towards the floor.


"I could not bring myself to talk to him about it." He said, sitting on the couch, Faye taking the seat next to him.

She patted his head, giving him a small smile, "Hey, its okay, aha?" She ruffled his hair.

He looked at her with a bitter smile and scoffed, "I have been trying to talk to him about this since weeks, its just, I just can never bring myself to do it. You know how River is about all these things, it hurts him, a lot. I mean, he, he does not deserve it, he never did."

"I... I know Zach, I know. So, you want me to talk to him about it?"


"Hmm... how about we talk to him about this together?" She asked as he looked at him.

"I do not know Faye, I am not sure..."

"Oh, that's it, we are gonna talk about it, now."

"No, not tonight, its too soon." He whined, standing up from his seat.

"Fine, fine, than tomorrow morning?" And he slowly nodded, gulping.

"Now that it's settled, Zachary Blake, have a game of COD with me?" Faye looked at him with a smirk, waving the controller for him to take.

"You see, I would love to beat your ass in this game, but, but I have some places to go, some people to meet." And when Faye heard his excuse, she scoffed.

"Seriously? Is that the best you can come up with? Oh boy, we all know who will beat whose ass. Remind me when you won a game against me." And Zach playfully glared at her.

"Oh shut up Lockwood. I swear, I would have loved to see you cry. But, I really need to go, have to crash a party." And sticking out his tongue he turned around to go.

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