4. Consumed by darkness

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And in that time, no one was there for her, no one was there to save her from herself, from her thoughts, no one but him. And even if she loathed him, she knew that he's the only one who can save her.

-The Golden Girl


"I fucking am sorry River, I fucking am, why... why do they don't understand?" She sobbed, breaking down.

He listened to her, racking her back and forth, murmuring soothing words as she cried. Her head rested on his chest, his shirt whole ruined from those salty tears. He didn't care though. She, one way or another needed him.

"They were never good parents to us River, there's not a single time when they spend their time with me... they weren't there for Sumner and they are never here for me... they are fucking so so so selfish." She wrapped a handful of his shirt, forming a fist.

He didn't say anything, he knew that it was hard for her, too hard. His hands caressed her head, running through her blonde locks as she continued sobbing.

"They are parting their ways." And he listened, listened as she talked about her parents divorce.

"It had never came to this." That was the only thing that he said, his eyebrows knitted together. He had never liked Faye's parents, they were just too busy, the best in investing and building industries but the worst kind of parents.

"They are cheating on each other." And a bitter laugh escaped from her throat as she pulled herself out of his embrace. Standing up, she started to walk through the bookshelves, her eyes dark and red.

"You're looking broken, the Faye Lockwood who hates me and I am intended to know, never looks broken." At that, she whirled around to meet his hazel pair of eyes.

He was right, the queen never looks broken, never but... again, Faye did, Faye did look broken.

"Cause this girl whom you're looking at right now is pathetic, cause this girl over here knows how to feel, she's not the queen, shes just... Faye."

He walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her frame, he held her tightly.

Everything was quite for a while, there were just silent conversations, untold but yet answered questions.

But once again, they broke it, the understanding, the comfortable silence,  the care, they both shredded them into pieces... they thought that it's, it's just too much, too good for them.

"When will Zach return?" She asked, releasing herself from his embrace.

"He left this morning, so seven maybe." He said, his eyes not showing a single emotion. There was no care now, no warmness on them, they were just, just empty.

"You broke up with Aubree, why?"

And he knew that the question will rise, that she will ask him about it.

She wanted to know cause she cared about her best friend. A friend who's mourning for River's love, his affection.

"Its none of your business, Lockwood." And the coldhearted, ruthless king was back.

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